A Romantic Rendezvous

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March 27th 2013
Published: April 15th 2013
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The bad weather continued into our trip to Venice as we witnessed the heaviest snowfall the first evening there (snow in Venice, really?!). Thankfully, it turned for the better the next 2 days as we headed out to explore the ‘sinking’ island. Little introduction was needed as we read about this city since young, and sights of the numerous canals and bridges just excites us as we started wandering around. Winding through the narrow streets were surprisingly pleasant, allowing us to get semi-lost. That said, with prominent signs leading us to the major attractions, we could hardly get lost anyway! These were the main highlights of our short rendezvous with arguably one of the most romantic places on Earth (minus the swarm of tourists!) :

Rialto Bridge: Seeing is believing and this famous bridge across the Grand Canal got us fervently snapping shots of the vaporetti, gondolas and boats moving at slow speeds across the congested canal. I wouldn’t say that I was thoroughly impressed with what I saw, but standing on the bridge overlooking the waters with your other half is indeed special.

Strolling along the streets: Probably the most fun part for me. (I love mazes!) The endless winding streets and numerous turnings got us navigating around to our destinations. That means enjoying the romantic stroll, holding each other’s hands and allowing ourselves to soak in the city’s atmosphere amongst the bridges and walkways. No wonder they regard Venice as one of the most romantic places on Earth. Now we understand why 😊

Piazza San Marco: Similar to many other European cities, this square served as a common meeting point. What strikes us though, was the real danger that Venice was seriously going underwater in a matter of time, as raised wooden platforms were required to allow visitors into the Basilica. Waters were forced onto the square, flooding most parts of the area. It was, in a sense, an interesting but disturbing sight.

Murano: About half an hour boat ride away, this island’s gem has got to be its long tradition of manufacturing glass products. We were fascinated by the process of how exquisite designs were blow-molded into shape as visitors were treated to a peek into the glass-manufacturing factory. The icing on the cake came as we turned into the main walkways, with boats docked by the canals, flanked by pastel-colored houses. It was a fantastic combination of nature with a touch of human colours. What fitting way than to have an Italian lunch here before treating ourselves to a gelato cone!

Burano: Our favorite destination in Venice and in Italy no doubt! A smaller island compared to its sister Murano, Burano boasts more vibrantly coloured houses in a tranquil setting, unlike its more congested counterparts. Perhaps a sign that many tourists have yet to discover it. There are a handful of decent shops selling handicrafts and homemade pastries (they smell and taste really good!), besides the usual souvenir shops. We took just 1 hour to walk the entire island, relaxing in its peaceful scenery under the really good weather. And it’s from one of the bridges here that I got my favourite shot of the canal too. For anyone heading to Venice, I’ll highly recommend a visit here.

As we headed off to the train station via the water taxi, we bided goodbye to the beautiful islands, hoping that if we do return next time, it will not be under waters. But for now, fresh memories of Venice remain as we look forward to what Florence has to offer.

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16th April 2013

Ah gorgeous venice...
We expected that Venice would be completely overrated, and we were very surprised when we fell completely in love with it. Loved all your photos! Looking forward to your thoughts on Florence :)
16th April 2013
Fav shot of the day

Lots of fabulous shots in this blog...lots of love...what more could you want?
18th April 2013

Venice and Murano
We've traveled to neither and want to see both. The colorful houses are very attractive. Looks like you are having a great time.

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