Villa Petrea relax day

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Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Bucine
September 19th 2019
Published: September 20th 2019
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All the tours we had organised have now finished so today is a day for relaxing around the villa and the village of Bucine.

Shelley and I walked into the village, through the vineyards surrounding the villa. Harvest time is next month (October) so all the grapevines are loaded with bunches of dark purple grapes.

The afternoon was spend reading by the pool, chatting and having a spa in the spa room which has big sliding doors looking across the valley.

Our villa host Jois (pronounced Joyce) offers the option of a dinner here at the villa, cooked by his cleaner/chef Maria. We all decided it would be a nice thing to have a group dinner so chose tonight as the best night. We were given a large menu, from which to choose either 1 or 2 dishes for each course. Our evening consisted of -

Prosecco Welcome Aperitif

Hors D’Oeuvres: Affettati Misti (Mixed Tuscan cured meat/cold cuts) & Formaggio con miele o confettura (cheese board with honey or jam)

First course: Fusilli con asparagi (Fusilli pasta with asparagus) & Risotto di verdure (Risotto with vegetables)

Main course: Tagliata all’aceto balsamico (Sliced steak dressed in balsamic vinegar)

Sides: Patate arrosto (roast potatoes) & Verdure grigliate (grilled vegetables)

Dessert: Crostata di ricotta (Tart with ricotta)

This was served accompanied by some local Chianti red wine. Our host Jois (pronounced Joyce) kindly arrived during the dinner with some gelato for us to have with our dessert.

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


20th September 2019

Villa Petrea relax day
Great.A day off at last.Make the best of it and Enjoy.I just put on 3 kilos just reading the menu .
23rd September 2019

Villa Petrea
Have really enjoyed the great photos and commentary, what a wonderful trip. Wish I could taste the food too!!

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