real internet-Westport

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Europe » Ireland » County Mayo » Westport
September 21st 2009
Published: September 21st 2009
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We finally found our first free WiFi.... not quite a coffee shop but a Cyber Pub! Totally comfortable with driving for the most part. Last nights campground was more like a Gypsy encampment so we hit the road early and have been touring the countryside. We are next heading to Connamerra and camping near the town of Clifden. Probably moving south tomorrow and maybe out to the Arran Islands. We will post photos but if it cuts out halfway through it is because we are on battery power.

Answers to people FAQ's:

#1) Yes Guinness tastes different- Smoother and Fresher... not to mention poured correctly!
#2) The weather is very similar to home.. it is usually overcast in the morning and clears in the afternoon. On the western half of the island it is very similar to our WA beaches.
#3) Amber has not ran the Dublin half yet... she may have an injured foot from her marathon.. more on that later.... Chimba Chimba

****Amber's few favorites so far: Love brown bread and brown sauce(no it is not gravy). Still only takes one pint to get a buzz
****Scott's few favorites so far: Ashford Castle and the town of Cong... very tranquil.

Additional photos below
Photos: 9, Displayed: 9


21st September 2009

Thanks for sending some pictures. They were fantastic! Looks like you are having a great time. Miss you guys! love, mb/mom
22nd September 2009

Cool pics
Hi guys, I'm glad you two are having a good time. The pics are great. This is the first time I have visited your site. Looks like Scottie is handling the left side of the road fine. Your van still screams "TOURIST." HA. Anyway I look forward to reading more. Stay safe and keep on truck'in. -R
22nd September 2009

The photo's are great! thank you for sharing. Amber, you do take after your mother.. coffee and popcorn and life is good. Scott, looking good behind the wheel :)

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