Bavaria 2023

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Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich
June 15th 2023
Published: June 15th 2023
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Bavaria D10
A so called rest day but first a comment on last night when we went to the local Italian restaurant L’angolo. It was understaffed run by just two women. No one came near us for 15 minutes or more and then the drinks came another 20 mins later and the food another 15. To be fair the food was very good, apart from one dish which had unknown peppers in which stripped the skin from a couple of throats. It was a reminder of how good Faulty Towers was as the woman in charge said on several occasions that she didn’t care, like when she brought a beer with no glass and a request for one was made. At the end she threw a fit when we wanted to pay our own bills. Mine came to 18 euros 70c. I gave her a 20 euro note and would have volunteered the change as a tip but she shouted ’I haven’t time to give change’ and just took it. It was just like Fred Carno’s circus. A great bit of fun if you took it light hearted but not the way to run a business. No wonder she was short staffed.
Today one of us went up a mountain near the Austrian border whilst the rest of us drifted around town. Many waited by the Glockenspiel clock in Marienstadt Plaza at 11am to hear the chimes and see the marionettes spinning around under the clock. The tour bus took us around town to see the sights before we trundled back to the hotel. We dropped off the bus at the Olympic Park for lunch and I sampled the curried Bratwurst and pommes just to show willing. I took loads of photos of very impressive buildings but not sure what they are. It was like Fred Carno’s circus again finding trains and the way back to the hotel. I think the 5km walk back from the city would have been quicker.
Great meal at the Minh Quang Vietnamese restaurant tonight. Back to hotel to find a broken spoke on my rear wheel. Oh dear.

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