Who Knew Tintin Was A Beer-Drinking, Waffle-Eating, Chocoholic!!??

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Europe » Belgium
March 4th 2008
Published: March 17th 2008
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The Peeing Statue!The Peeing Statue!The Peeing Statue!

... we don't know what his real name is though!
Did you know that Belgium has 500 different kinds of beer?? Trevor tried with all his might to sample them ... but the grand finale was ... 5 ... out of 500 ... that makes it a whopping 1%!

We had heard from EVERYONE we'd meet about a town in northern Belgium called Brugge. Apparentlly it is "the cutest, quaintest, most awesome and amazing place" we'd ever go ... so of course we set off to grab ourselves a slice of this perfection ... only to be sorely disappointed! Brugge certainlly was a quaint little town ... but it is tourist zone central and was really more of a place for young party kids than for two aging backpackers. Hahaha ... but really. It wasn't our thing. The town markets itself as an old midevil town ... but those of us who read our trusty Lonely Planet guides know that is untrue - it was rebuilt in the 19th century to reflect what it used to be in the 15th and 16th centuries. The highlight of the town was easily the Tintin Store - who knew Tintin was a Belgian!?! We also went to a chocolate museum, not really that
Brugge, BelgiumBrugge, BelgiumBrugge, Belgium

Cute Medevil fakeness galore!
interesting, but they did give free chocolate at the end so we were game! And fyi, anything you've ever heard about Belgium chocolate is true - it's creamy and melt in your mouth delicious and is waaay overpriced! But of course we indulged!

The plan was to zoom from Brugge to Antwerpe to see our friend Ilse whom we met on our safari, but Ilse was on a ski vacation of her own, and we missed her. We didn't want to skip the visit all together, so we continued on our European conquest and planned to loop back around for our fabulous ski vacation in the alps. (All this random looping and zooming is made possible by our Eurail passes, a definite investment if you'd like to conquer Europe yourself!). When our paths finally did cross we had an awesome time visiting and relaxing and seeing some of the finer points of Belgium. We took turns cooking for eachother (we will never take balanced home cooked meals for granted again!), had a chance to go out with some of her friends and did a day trip to Brussels to see the peeing fountain and Belgiums most famous landmark, the Atomium. It was quite impressive, definitelly ranks up there with the beer and chocolate! Another surprise came in the form of the Belgian waffle ... we were expecting to be blown away by mounds of strawberries and whip cream, but a 'real' Belgian waffle consists of dough. Just dough. And some icing sugar. Also, it isn't eaten in the morning like we North Americans dig into our Eggos, it is eaten in the mid afternoon as a snack with a good cup of coffee.

That would be the end of Belgium for us ... next stop Amsterdam ... to do things we'd get in biiiig trouble for in Canada! 😉

Happy Travels,
Trevor and Kristena

P.S. Thanks for all the private messages, keep them coming!!

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Photos: 30, Displayed: 24



Did you know Tintin is a Belgian??? Neither did we!! We were also pleased to learn that he has his own store, including a mens line of clothing!

Haha ... pretending to be blown away by this green sludgy piece of artwork.
Milka Chocolate!Milka Chocolate!
Milka Chocolate!

It is swiss chocolate ... but still quite possibly the best thing we have ever tasted!
Internet Time!Internet Time!
Internet Time!

... who is beside herself that internet is only 4 Euros an hour here??
Bubba the HorseBubba the Horse
Bubba the Horse

Smiling for his photo and everything!
Mmmm Delicious!Mmmm Delicious!
Mmmm Delicious!

Interesting fact: waffles are not a breakfast food in Belgium, they eat them as an afternoon snack around 3 or 4, AND if you ask for anything other than sugar, they will know you are a tourist!
Chocolate LadyChocolate Lady
Chocolate Lady

This must be her dream job!
Canadian Maple Syrup!!!Canadian Maple Syrup!!!
Canadian Maple Syrup!!!

Not quite like home ... but close enough!
Ilse With Her Master Piece ...Ilse With Her Master Piece ...
Ilse With Her Master Piece ...

It was called something something something in flemmish, translation: interesting vegetable thing with cheese and potatoes and eggs - delicious!
Antwerpe at NightAntwerpe at Night
Antwerpe at Night

Ilse took us on a guided tour of her city ...

25th March 2008

now I'm craving waffles and chocolate. and maybe some beer

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