Belarus: Day 14

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Europe » Belarus » Brest Voblast
August 24th 2018
Published: August 24th 2018
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Day 14:

The dawn of the new (and our last) day was heralded by our faithful dog. Does he not realise that most normal animals don’t get up at this hour. I swear that I am going to learn taxidermy before we next come. Bastard thing. Even the cockerel can be heard shouting profanities in its direction. Oh well best make the most of the last day.

Yuliya makes coffee and I get up out of bed. I feel really tired but ready for the day ahead. Yuliya changes and departs for her last run of the holiday with both Dasha’s. I get dressed and pack my bags ready for my morning walk. I am determined to get a 15km walk in in my last morning. I set out past the brickworks, over the railway tracks and finally cutting across the open fields past the secret (not so secret) military base. There is a hive of activities but upon watching none of it is directed at me. I think they have now determined the threat is minimal. I continue walking up the path towards the lake when my guts start to rumble. I’ll be fine I think, I went for a poo with a view this morning before I left. The pain increased and I started to panic a little bit. Do I turn round and walk the 3kms back or do I round the lake and do the 2.5kms back past the village with more risk of people seeing me drop a turd in my pants. I continue on. Jesus Christ this was starting to get desperate. Then I realised what was happening the bloody Belarusian Military has pointed a secret radar device at me and I was going to shit myself to death at the side of the lake. Revenge for my spying activities. I shouted “bastards” at them as my pace quickened but I started to run like I was smuggling a watermelon in my rectum. Well I had no choice. I wasn’t going to let them beat me and I knew just the place. I dived through the bushes into my secret spy hideout. I dropped my shorts and did the business. I luckily had some handy loo roll and I emerged from the bushes triumphantly. I shook my fist in the direction of the army base whilst shouting “we will fight you on the beaches!!” Whilst in my head Jerusalem sounded!

I continued on my walk. I decided to listen to a new podcast whilst walking. Now this would be an interesting one it was produced by a company called Owl Field. There intention was to produce a 3D audio experience with full surround sound. Using the dynamic field produced by two headphones it would allow you to be within the story. Well this was cracking. I immersed myself and the short stories were brilliant and slightly disorientating. On several occasions I looked over my shoulder in fear of the voices behind me or the tiger attacking from the side. But after a while I settled in and started to really enjoy it. I was listening to one about an infiltrator in a foreign army base, when during a gun filled climax the sound became unbearably loud. The bullets were whistling past and the vehicles were giving chase. And the sound of the motor was too realistic. I realised too late and a man on a motorbike crossing the field behind collided with my elbow. Shouted “Suka” at me (the second time in 24 hours) and continued on his way. Feathers slightly ruffled I shouted “Good Morning Old bean”. This was the second bike attack following a walk passed the military base. Maybe they were using old locals on bikes as trained assassins. I must be more careful for the rest of the day. I took out my phone and changed it to a film podcast instead. It would be best to be able to hear on- coming attacks. I dropped out of eye sight of the base and started to feel less vulnerable.

The rest of the walk was luckily less eventful. I continued around the canal system I had got very used to. The hot morning sun was blazing over my head and adding to the panda look that I was now transforming into. There was a threat of worsening weather for the region in the coming days and the farmers were busying themselves harvesting the corn in the huge fields between the canals. The air was thick with dust and small pieces of straw. In places the sun was blocked out by the dust clouds and gave an eerie hue to the walk. It was truly magical.

The blisters on my feet were playing me up. I stopped and popped them with a knife and continued with some relief. The miles in the previous few weeks have done amazing things to my fitness levels but I was now due a little relief for my body, the blisters and cuts on my feet are really painful now. It would be good to get home for a few days rest. Although I am planning a walk up Kinder (mountain near us) on Sunday as my mother has kindly said she would have the children for the night on Saturday. But onwards I pushed through and I ensured that when I arrived back I did exactly 15kms. My legs and fitness felt good but my blisters were burning.

Yuliya asked me if I wanted to go for a swim and I immediately said yes. I was hot and sweaty from my jaunt and I had not been in the lake since the “unfortunate incident” 10 days ago. We left the kids behind and walked over to the steps leading into the lake. I dove straight in. Oh my god it was glorious. 10 days pent up frustration had led to this moment. I swam across the lake. The waterproof dressing I had floated off but I didn’t care. It was a moment that I would enjoy in memory for a long time.

Yuliya gave me a shopping list at lunch as I had agreed for another adventure in the super market. We would drop the girls off at the train station and then I would go to the shops and walk home whilst Yuliya looked after our kids at the farm. I said how much would I need and she said no more than 20-30 rubles. I took 50 just in case. Victor drove us all over to the station and Yuliya wanted to nip into the little railway station shop to buy tea and gifts for home. After she had done she spent most of the money she gave me for my solo shopping trip. Great now I would have to go back to the farm before walking both ways to the shop. We said our goodbyes to our little nieces Katya and Dasha before they boarded their train to Minsk and home. It would be sad to be apart from them as they had been such an integral part of our holiday.

We arrived home and I grabbed some more money before heading out on my longer than expected shop walk. My feet were very sore but I enjoyed the short 3km walk over to the shops. I proceeded to acquire the list of products that Yuliya had given me to find. And then my trepidation built with the inevitable awkward engagement that was upon me. I approached the counter where a young man was serving. I used my usual attack strategy and said “ good afternoon”. He said “good afternoon, would you like a bag?”. I could have hugged him. “No I’m ok thank you sincerely” I spluttered. He then told me the total cost in English and with
the transaction complete he wished me a good day. What a lovely man. The bag was very heavy and by the time I arrived back my shoulders and my feet were in agony. Time for another swim. We took the kids down to the lake this time and had a frolic in the was just as lovely.

We relaxed at the house for a little while before we had to dress again for the next challenge. Saying goodbye to Babuska Zoeya. We loading into Victors car and took the short ride to Babuskas town flat. She as always was very pleased to see us and showered us all (especially the kids) with hugs and kisses. I strung out 11 or 12 Russian words I had learnt on this trip and she counted them out on her fingers with delight. I may have passed the first test hoorah. We sat and everyone chatted and the kids played before eventually the inevitable sad goodbyes had to be made. I hugged and kissed Babuska Zoeya with the promise I would learn Russian by the time I came next year. Not a big task ahead then. I would worry about that when I got home.

We arrived back to discover cousin Marina was staying in her side of the house tonight. This meant that she would attempt to invite herself to the last meal of our holiday which I really didn’t want. She had destroyed this beautiful farm house with her jealousy and greed and now expected a seat at the table of her victims. It would be guaranteed she would bring nothing to the table to eat. The meal was meant to be me, mum and Yuliya. Which it had always been and mum and Yuliya always enjoyed this precious last few hours together whilst I took myself off to hide.

We decided to have one last swim of the holiday. All the family decided to come and we invited Old Dasha as she has been such a friend to us whilst we have been here. It is a shame that we have only had two weeks with her, as she has been an amazing new friend who is really inspirational in her attitude to life. I hope she has so many adventures in the future especially with her impending trip to China but both Yuliya and myself hope that we remain in touch and see each other again. Yuliya invited her to tonight’s meal as she would be welcome company.

The kids love there final swim and after 20 minutes we head back for final showers and the last supper. I am informed that Marina has invited herself. We all wash and Tania prepares a beautiful spread and I allow the girls to enjoy their meal whilst I write this blog. I join them for a short while and Dasha begins to cry and says that she will miss us. This is so sweet and unexpected as most people celebrate my departure. We laugh and joke for a while and I talk with Dasha and tell her that “our house is your house” and she promises to come and visit. She also promises to try dog meat in China and let us know what it tastes like. Excellent just as twisted as me!! I get increasingly annoyed that Marina keeps interrupting when I am talking to people. So I leave and carry on writing. Tania is also getting annoyed and goes to attempt to put kids to sleep. To be fair if it wasn’t for the politics of the whole house thing it would have been a very pleasant evening. So Bon voyage to our new friend Dasha. Safe travels. Please stay in touch xx

So here I am lying in bed. It is bloody hot. On all sides of the house is a fantastic lightening show. I have 4 hours until I need to be up for our drive to Minsk airport when we will fly out at 9.00am.
It’s going to be a rough morning.

Last blog tomorrow

Steve x


25th August 2018

I will have to start buying a paper now !
Safe trip home . I have enjoyed your blogs and will miss my daily read oh well I will just have to go and buy a paper !

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