Blogs from Hallstatt, Upper Austria, Austria, Europe - page 2


Europe » Austria » Upper Austria » Hallstatt June 15th 2013

Today is a rest day after many consecutive days of biking. The body is saying enough is enough but that doesn't mean doing nothing. We walked from Obertraun to the Hallstatt railway station which is about a 45minute walk. From the Schiffstation (ferry stop), we took the ferry across the lake to Hallstatt which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site because of it's unique position and history. It sits right on the lakeside between the water and the cliffs which doesn't allow for much room for a village which is essentially carless. Hallstatt is known for its production of salt dating back to prehistoric times, and gave its name to the Hallstatt Culture, a culture often linked to Early Iron Age Europe. It's human history appears to go back 7000 years still based on the trading ... read more
A house in the square at Hallstatt
A street scene in Hallstatt
A wonderful find in Hallstatt

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria » Hallstatt March 19th 2013

“The thing about travelling is that you will never get bored of the things you see, because they are always different, no matter how similar they can be.” The phrase just rung in my head as we admired the beauty of Hallstatt from across the lake, when Steph and I first disembarked from the train. I thought I saw sceneries familiar to this, perhaps in Halong Bay or somewhere else, but Hallstatt’s landscape just blew me off completely. The houses stack upon each other on the mountains, seemingly symbolizing humans’ touch encroaching nature. The immensely clear lake reflects off the houses along the lakeside, giving them a symmetrical paint-like image in the waters. The snow-capped mountains at the backdrop add the final touch to the picture-perfect scenery that is ever so breathtaking. Wow in exclamation. We ... read more
Mountains as the backdrop
Into the lake!
Comfort in tranquility

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria » Hallstatt September 11th 2012

Geo: 47.5573, 13.647LAST NIGHT: The concert was very nice and about a dozen of us went. We were seated toward the rear of the room, but I guess that doesn't matter when you're really there to listen. The room itself used to be part of the prince-archbishop's palace, so it's rather grand and pleasingly baroque. There were five or six musicians dressed in 18th century costume, and two singers, a tenor and a soprano. Personally, I thought the tenor was good but the soprano got a little breathy in her mid-range. First, we were given a selection from Don Giovanni and then were served (this is verbatim from the menu, which I didn't take with me because there was a very stern notice stating that the menu was not free but could be purchased for two ... read more
View from our boat on the Wolfgangsee
View from our Hallstatt terrace
Dissatisfied kitty

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria » Hallstatt July 18th 2011

Geo: 47.5573, 13.647After a hearty breakfast at our Gastof, we drove to the Krippenstein Valley (only a five minute drive) to catch a cable car up the mountain to the Krippenstein Middle Station. We thought the Funicular that took us up the mountain to the Salt Mine yesterday was steep. It has nothing on the Cable Car. When we reached the Middle Station (750 metres up from the valley floor), we walked up a steep incline to visit the Ice Cave. The entrance to the Ice Cave is literally on the mountain side, and is full of ice flows, even in the middle of summer as it is over here now. The Ice Cave was very cold, so it was just as well that we wore warmer clothing to what we have been used to wearing ... read more
The Ice Cave
Five Fingers Lookout
View from Five Fingers Lookout

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria » Hallstatt July 17th 2011

Geo: 47.5573, 13.647Today was one of our longest drives, travelling from Venice to Hallstatt, a trip of roughly four hours. At 130kms per hour on the Austrian and Italian Autobahns, the journey goes quick though.It was beautiful driving through the valleys with high mountain ranges towering overhead. The grass is very green. All of the houses are made of timber and render and all look like Swiss Chalets, having bright coloured flowers on their balconies. All houses and gardens are really well maintained, unlike some of the houses in the cities we have visited (particularly Italy). Halstatt surprisingly, has the oldest history of any of the cities we have visited. The Salt Mines in Halstatt go back to the 7th Century B.C. Salt was a highly sought after commodity in early history, with the original miners ... read more
The Halstatt Funicular
The Halstatt Salt Mine
Kim on one of the Wooden Slides

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria » Hallstatt July 1st 2011

We woke up early our first morning in Salzburg to take the city tour. After a tricky morning realizing that we had to put coins in a machine to get hot water and that our b and b owner didn't quite understand the concept of bed AND breakfast, we were picked up by the tour company to join the rest of the group. The city tour was about an hour long and the history was fascinating. We saw sights from the Sound of Music movie and palaces built by Austrian kings. The city was definitely proud of their Mozart roots as souvenirs with his face displayed were everywhere! After the tour, we had time to spare before our train so we jumped on a city bus to a mall. We desperately needed to buy a new ... read more
Salzburg, Austria
Salzburg, Austria
Salzburg, Austria

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria » Hallstatt September 22nd 2010

We woke up early. Jer insisted the night before that we pack up for the next few days. We left a few things at the flat. Another sunny day greeted us! I still brought my newly purchased raincoat. The forecasters promise rain this weekend. Even though I am dread to have us in a downpour, I’d appreciate a light drizzle—while wearing my raincoat—to justify my bringing it. We bought more sandwiches for breakfast. This time, I had ham and cheese and Jer had cheese. We settled into our seats for the first leg of our trip and had to transfer a second time to a third train. The journey on the third train was the best, even though we were hot from the sun and the air in the train was stale. The Alps came into ... read more

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria » Hallstatt August 22nd 2010

Hallstatt egy csöppnyi ausztriai barokk kisváros, melynek neve a kelta hagyományok szerint „a só helye”, lakosainak száma 1 000 fő, ami a hely szűke miatt lényegében évek óta nem is változik. A városka érdekessége, hogy egyetlen főutcából (Seestrasse) áll. Különleges ékszere a festői természeti környezetén kívül az a kis gótikus templom, melynek három különösen szép szárnyasoltára van. A helyszűkével küzdő kisváros különös és egyben bizarr nevezetessége a templom kertjében található teraszos temető, melyben a halottak maradványait 10 évente kiássák, majd koponyájukat kifehérítik. A koponyákat festett virág- és babérkoszorúkkal ékesítik, majd a fehér „homlokra” gót betűkkel vésik fel a elhunyt nevét. A templom melletti sziklafalba vájt Csontház így őrzi a megboldogult földi maradványait. A városka a szikla lábához, egymásra épült házak csodálatos sorából áll, a városlakók a már említett ... read more

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria » Hallstatt July 11th 2010

I had to wake up before 8 today because that was when the lady was coming to make me breakfast. I felt a wee bit bad for her coming all the way to the hostel just to make ME breakfast. It consisted of buns, meat, cheese and coffee and very regular breakfast here in Europe so far. After breakfast I did some laundry in the sink and hung them out the window and on the other beds. I did some much needed sewing that I kept putting off. Around 11:00 I went to the train station to figure out how I was getting to Cesky Krumlov from there, since I can't find any place with Internet this was my last option. I was also meeting Cathy who was coming in on the 11:30 train. She was ... read more

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria » Hallstatt May 23rd 2010

Today we took a day trip to Hallstatt in the lake country. This was to be a major stop on our tour and we were planning to spend several restful days there; however mother nature intervened, the cold rainy weather the past week, made the thought of camping in the moutains unsavory. It was only a few days ago that we planned to go today to Hallstatt, which turned out to be the perfect day! We caught the bus, a little more cramped than the train, but that's O.K.. We saw some nice little towns on the way up and saw a wonderful moutain lake at Oberion, where we had to switch form the bus to the train. Winding it's way through the moutains the train dropped us off at an abandoned station across form Hallstatt, ... read more
hallstatt 009
hallstatt 008
hallstatt 010

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