The Salt Castle and its Son, Mozart

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Europe » Austria » Salzburg » Salzburg
March 20th 2013
Published: April 5th 2013
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Salzburg, which means Salt Castle, was true to its name. A white castle atop a hill overlooking the town centre and the Austrian Alps across it towards the north. It was a breathtaking view from the top of Hohensalzburg Fortress that I was no longer concentrating on the audio guide that was provided for us in the castle anymore. Besides, the green dome of the Salzburger Dom was distinct in the skyline, as the City Cathedral screams out to tourists about its own uniqueness as the city cathedral. And it was, as we were in awe just standing inside the dome and looking up at the vast ceilings and arches. Still not sick and tired of churches and cathedrals yet.. How to, when one sees such amazing work of mankind!

Still, the fondest memories from this salt castle city has got to be of its very popular Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the music prodigy whom I came to know more about too, after this trip. Well, even though he spent most of his adulthood traveling and living in the capital city of Vienna, Salzburg was very proud that he was born, bred and first ply his trade here. First encounter was
hilarious, as we spotted a group of middle-aged aunties and uncles surrounding this guy with his 'mozart' advertised car (apparently he sells mozart chocolates). They were shouting like excited kids on the road, "Mozart Cia! Mozart Cia!" (Which means in a chinese dialect, Mozart's car). And that instance, we knew that they were fellow Singaporeans, like us, because of the language and the way they spoke! It was just too funny at that instance till we kept using "Mozart Cia" when we notice any Mozart monument/souvenir and his related things. The subsequently encounters were just with all marketing around this prodigy whom seem to be promoted more than the rich history of this city. A shot at targeting more tourists whom are more interested in the former i guess?

Last stop of the day, again related with Mozart, was into his birthplace museum. Largely commercialised, which is understandable, but allowed us to understand and appreciate so much about music and life in general. And having a kind Taiwanese 'tour guide' within the museum helps too! The taiwanese was working in the museum and chatted us up in Mandarin language, seeing we were of similar skin tone and guessing we were from the far East. Another nice encounter with kind people on the road!

Next stop, "Mozart Cia!" will bring us to the beautiful land of Switzerland!

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