Himare day 3

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Europe » Albania
July 11th 2023
Published: July 14th 2023
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The biter stayed away and I sleep really well and am one of the last up. I go for breakfast and order my Kat special again. We eat with the British girls who say that an English boy told them last night that he's the BBC presenter accused of sending nudes to a child. Deysha and I both think he's bullshitting her but she's adamant its true. After breakfast Deysha and I head to the secret beach. I stop to get a coffee first and use the bathroom but they won’t let Deysha use it because she didn’t buy anything. We heard there is no shade and the walk is a bit hairy so we want to go early. I struggle with the uphill in the sun so have to stop frequently. The view looking down on the beach is amazing. It has white cliffed edges and crystal clear water. The walk down is dicey. There is a rope and it is steep and slippery and in places there is no option but to trust the rope. I go first then walk Deysha through it. Behind us a girl from Lithuania is struggling so we help her too. The last bit is a pretty sheer drop with very little footholds, getting back up that will be fun.

The beach is beautiful though and we head straight in the water for a swim. We head to the side that looks like it has caves but they are not really accessible. We swim for a while before jumping out to dry off. Deysha is feeling like she might have sunstroke so we head back up, Lithuanian girl with us. As expected the first part is really tricky but after that it is not so bad. We make it up a lot quicker than we go down and pause to take more photos at the top. We pass some girls from the hostel including the girl who tried to get Taylor Swift tickets and says ticket master crashed for everyone so they’re redoing it another day. She extended her stay and got up at 6am for that purpose.

Back in town I need food but Deysha doesn’t feel well so I grab a bag of crisps and a chocolate croissant from the shop. Back at the hostel I check that we are booked on the boat trip, we are not which is annoying as we were first to ask about it. The volunteer backs me up that we should be on the list so Will the manager tells another new volunteer she has to miss out so we can go on. With that done Deysha heads for a lie down and I read my book in bed for a few hours. We head back down at 330 and wait for Rueben the hostel owner to escort us to the boat. He is late though so we decide to head off as we know where it is and want to stop at a pastry shop the French girl from Saranda, Natasha suggested. The pastry shop is amazing and the cake I try is really nice, honey or syrup soaked sponge.

We get on the boat and the music is playing. People are drinking and it’s a lot of fun. We stop somewhere for a swim and the water looks amazing. I jump straight in, then I realise I still have my hat on and pass it up then I swim round to the other side to ask Deysha to bring my mask. Too late she is already in. Only then do I realise my phone is in my pocket. I pass it back up to the boat. I am kicking myself, my phone is hyper sensitive to water so I feel like I might have lost it. Deysha swims back to the boat to ask the guy to turn it off and comes back saying the guy will wash it in fresh water and turn it iff for me. I still don’t have a lot of hope but I try and make it not ruin my trip. At my end if the boat is a guy from Bristol and three guys from Brighton. One if them is the supposed BBC presenter but he looks about 14. They tell us they found the British girl really stuck up so they said it as a joke but she took it seriously. We have a lot of fun with these guys and with our hotel owner who is just fun party vibes. Dancing to music. We swim through pigeon cave, spend time at a beach only accessible by boat, head through pirates cave on the boat, see gypie the beach Deysha wanted to see and watch a sunset. In between we dance to music, get stopped by the police who seem convinced the boat is over capacity; it’s not. Altogether it is a really fun boat ride.

Afterwards I give my phone to Rueben who says he will put it in rice for me while Deysha abd I head for dinner. Another place Natasha recommend and the seafood we eat is amazing, risotto for me, sea bass for Deysha. They bring watermelon and shots of sweet raki with the bill. We walk back to the hostel and I check on my phone which is in rice and then I go to have a shower and hang my wet stuff outside. I pack my bags and then head down for a bit and chat to people from our boat but I am late to the party and everyone has been drinking so we end up going to bed.

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