Blogs from Central America Caribbean - page 2


For some reason we were a little wary of going to Managua. Most people seemed to leave it off their agenda in Nicaragua and there is usually a very good reason for that. Maybe it's a safety concern from a hopefully bygone era of unsettled times in the country, or maybe it's because people think there is nothing to do in the city. Well, we are pleased we made the effort although more than the two nights we had may have been pushing it a bit for entertaining ourselves. The journey from León began with a taxi to the bus station where we were faced with an enormous queue for the minibuses to the capital and constant hassle from taxi drivers looking for a fare. We were not prepared to pay $60 for what we could ... read more
The main avenue leading to the lake
Be kind to stray dogs. You don't know how they have suffered on the streets.
Hugo Chavez

We loved León. It's hard to say exactly why, but we ended up chilling out there and soaking up a more local way of life for almost a week. Our first night was a late arrival and a hostel room booked at the last minute as our plans had changed. It also involved a fried chicken restaurant that was trying to pack up and served us half-cold burritos but there was nothing else open at that time. Whilst that wasn't great, we caught a glimpse of what the city had to offer that evening and moved into an url= B&B the next day which became our home for 5 nights. Carolina was a great host, and although the kitchen was rather lacking in implements, she did sort us out with what was needed. Our small apa ... read more
We saw some new murals being painted
Beautiful streets
Viva la revolución!

Central America Caribbean » Honduras » Eastern February 3rd 2024

What a day that was! We are not exactly inexperienced with border crossings, but this one took the biscuit!! The ride down to the border went smoothly in relative comfort but all of that came to an abrupt halt when we reached the Honduras/Nicaragua border at Guasaule. Having established where we needed to be to get our exit stamps, we then had to wait outside in the blazing sunshine and 36 degrees. Luckily the queue was so long that we had some shade for some of the wait. The lack of progression meant we had plenty of time to find the toilets too. Not an easy task. Trish was repeatedly pointed in the wrong direction and in the end we had to go through the immigration building squeezing past the hundreds of people waiting for their ... read more
A one horse town!
The bus to León

Central America Caribbean » Honduras » Western » Lake Yojoa February 2nd 2024

When we read that there was a craft brewery with its own lodge/hotel in the middle of nowhere in central Honduras, we just had to go there! D&D Brewerylived up to our expectations, but there were certainly aspects that wouldn't be particularly difficult improve. The wait for food, be it breakfast or dinner, is much longer than it should be. The staff (particularly the women) need to smile. I'm not saying they need to smile more, they just need to smile. Maybe once, when they take your order! The ONLY beers on offer are craft and come at a price. It would be nice to sit out in the evening and have some cheap local beer after a craft one with dinner. Los Naranjos is a really nice village just to wander around. It's a good ... read more
Los Naranjos
Rural location!
Soe amazing flowers around

It was a very smooth journey from Antigua Guatemala to Copan Ruinas including a trouble-free border crossing which really surprised us! We stayed at the Garden Hotelwhich, although it looks nice and had a lovely riverside location, disappointed us to the extent that we wished we had stayed in a backpacker hostel for half the price. There were constant problems with water which they were (two times out of three) able to resolve within moments which suggested they had done something in the first place! Anyway, let's not dwell on that. Copan Ruinas was a great place to hang out for a few days. It's a shame we didn't have better weather though. We wandered around as we usually do on our first day and really enjoyed the picturesque cobbled streets and the feel of the ... read more
Taking shelter
I wanna be a bat!
Copan central square

Sobota se nesla v únavě a Jonáškově roztrpčení nad změnou ubytování. Takže jsme dospávali únavu z plavby a koupali se v rezortním bazénu. V neděli jsme se probudili velmi brzy, abychom zjistili, že Janíček má 38 °C. Naštěstí hned Zuza nasadila léčbu a nařídila klid na lůžku doma. Sice se to Janíčkovi nelíbilo a zkoušel, zda nepůjdeme k moři, nebo alespoň k bazénu. Já jsem však vyrazil k moři s Jonáškem, aby mu slaný mořský vzduch protáhl dutiny. Na pláži jsme byli po půl deváté a byl velký problém zaparkovat. Je neděle a místní lidé místo v kostele jsou na pláži. Našli jsme si na jemném světlém písku místečko ve stínu velkého stromu a pozorovali jsme moře. Dutiny se Jonáškovi začaly protahovat, až jsem nestačil utírat nos. Jen ať jde vše ven. Proto u toho moře ... read more
2024-01-27-04 Výhled z bytu
2024-01-28-01 Sainte-Anne promenáda 01
2024-01-28-02 Pláž v Sainte-Anne 01

Jelikož jsme v tropickém ráji, chce to nějaké pozitivní zprávy. Jonášek už druhý den je bez horeček a dokonce i zvýšených teplot. Pro jistotu ještě dostává ibuprofenový sirup, ale to jen z důvodu, že nastal čas opustit Dominiku a vrátit se zpět do náruče Evropské unie. Celou noc a i celé ráno prší. Žádná lehká přeháňka s duhou, ale opravdu silné poryvy tropického lijáku střídají poryvy slabší. Za deště nanosím všechna naše zavazadla do auta a pomalu se připravujeme na odjezd z úžasného apartmánu, který jsme na Dominice měli. Na chvilku se déšť změní v mžení, toho využíváme a loučíme se s paní domácí Ellie a nasedáme do aut. Jakmile dosedneme a zavřeme dveře od auta, opět déšť. Zřejmě Dominika pláče, že se s ní loučíme. Proplétáme se tradičně do hlavního města po pobřežní silnici a ... read more
2024-01-26-01 Trajekt v Pointe-a-Pitre
2024-01-26-02 Captur
2024-01-27-01 Byt v Sainte-Anne

Antigua Guatemala is the place where every visitor heads for at some stage on their trip to Guatemala. For this reason we were a bit wary of going there, but we booked anurl= Air B&B so we were away from most of the action which suited us. Luckily we were located just a block away from where the bus dropped us off, and right opposite the office where my sunglasses would just arrive in the nick of time!! We enjoyed our time just wandering the picturesque cobbled streets. For us there was no need for excursions to climb a volcano or anything... read more
Antigua Guatemala
Antigua Guatemala

Central America Caribbean » Dominica » Roseau January 25th 2024

Noc byla horká, doslova. Jonášek zase topil na vysoký stupeň, ani jsem ho neměřil a rovnou zavedl čípek. Ráno byl bez teploty, ale jak jsme poučeni od naší skvělé dětské doktorky, není to dobře. Teplota má klesat postupně, a jak se později ukáže, je to tak. Ráno tedy je veselejší, přesto se domlouváme na poklidný režim. Jedeme autem do hlavního města Roseau. Přiznávám se, že řízení vlevo není zas takový problém, jak se může zdát. Jedu pomalu, mimo obec to stěží vytáhnu na 70 km/h a v obci pomalu 30 – 50 km/h. Zvláště v obcích jde o výzvu, protože ulice jsou úzké. Místní zastaví, kde potřebují, a je jedno, zda si chtějí jen popovídat, nebo potřebují si nakoupit. V Roseau jsme poměrně dobře. Připlula velká výletní loď, tak v úzkých uličkách popojíždíme krokem a ještě ... read more
2024-01-22-01 Pošta Roseau 02
2024-01-22-02 Pošta Roseau 03
2024-01-22-03 Roseau 01

In Quetzaltenango (thankfully also called Xela) we found a little piece of heaven. The url=;dest_type=hotel;dist=0;group_adults=2;group_children=0;hapos=1;hpos=1;no_rooms=1;req_adults=2;req_children=0;room1=A%2CA;sb_price_type=total;sr_order=popularity;srepoch=1707319144;srpvid=a7946bb00e440187;type=total;ucfs=1&#hotelTmplHotel Muchá was set in an old colonial courtyarded house and it was just stunning. We could easily have stayed for a lot longer than the three nights we did! It was really cheap, for what it was, and breakfast was excellent too. The staff were super friendly (but the receptionist needs to learn to smile!) and when my sunglasses arrived after we had left,they posted them... read more
Demonstration of creating beautiful textiles
Mayan relic
The main church in San Andres Xecul

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