Who's that Girl?

Published: June 10th 2015
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Lazy Sunday

Much like our Sundays at home, we didn't do much and just hung out at the beach enjoying the pretty waters. A and I both tried in desperation to see a turtle in the coral gardens before we had to leave the following day. The coral gardens is actually known as Bight Reef in Princess Alexandra State Park. Neither of us was successful snorkeling that morning. But Mr B was having the time of his life. He still was giving out "hamburgers" but now I was also getting "apple cheese." I don't know what apple cheese is but it sounded good to him I guess. He is also going to turn into a french fry, which seems to be his diet of late. Today he did ask to go eat, which is a first for him.

My Adventure

During his nap I decided to try and venture down the beach to a shopping center. Manda knows how I get when time starts running out and I have not bought anything. I kept thinking in my head, now why again didn't I just give a sleeping Mr B to A and go buy some stuff at that
The fish I do not likeThe fish I do not likeThe fish I do not like

Yellowtail snapper. This fish is always up in your business. He gets way to close for my comfort.
fish fry. I was already kicking myself for it. I thought I had learned my lesson about buying things when you see them after all my travels. So after checking and rechecking on the internet I decided on "Ports of Call" shopping center which didn't seem too far away on the Google maps. Ah, Google, best thing ever. I left a sleeping Mr B in the hands of A and I set out with a water bottle in hand and a vague idea of where I was headed. The beach was definitely more crowded down the way at the Beaches resort. They were setting up for a wedding and the whole place just went on forever. I stopped and asked a guard (they won't let you in if your not a guest, but how they enforce that is beyond my comprehension) about this shopping place and if I was headed in right direction. He had no clue what I was talking about. Ugh. But I knew the internet wouldn't fail me so I kept walking. And walking. I knew the hotel that it was supposed to be next to and I thought for sure I was close. Finally, I saw a hotel beach bar and stopped to ask there. Much to my dismay he told me it was another 25 min up the beach. I had already been walking for 25 at least so I was done. At least the shopping place was there, just not as close as google made it seem. He took pity on me when I said I was going back and gave me another bottle of water for the trip home. That was nice at least. I had been smart and worn a SPF long sleeve shirt and hat but I think now my legs had turned darker than the rest of me. I did learn that our hotel is in an excellent location and even though the reef is public access there are not nearly as many people there as at the Beaches resort. A good pick of hotel for sure. I think I would have gone nuts at Beaches, it just seemed like too much. The one bad thing about Grace Bay Beach is unlike other places I've been there are not that many spots to eat along the way. I returned home empty handed and Mr B was just waking up.

Who's that Girl?

On my walk home I of course had to go back by Beaches. Let me just say the wedding was ending and as he kissed the bride and they celebrated I was walking by in the background, yes, just me, no one else around, and I walked right by as they filmed... Those people are going to have me in their video forever.

Last Supper

Spent the last afternoon on the beach again and hung out there til late since Mr B got up late (I give A instructions about naps and he ignores them). But since it was our last night it was fine. Decided to try and venture to a new restaurant and so began a trek down the beach towards another hotel that someone suggested. Well we got to the next hotel over from us and they had this amazing beach BBQ set up. It was so pretty looking. All the food looked good and the seating area was so well done, so we stopped right then and there. Now I would like to say that I originally wanted to stay at this place. It's called the Beach House and it looks like a colonial house. If we come back, which A and I talked about and yes, we would come back despite the sticker shock, I think we would stay here. It's right next to the coral reef so a couple minutes walk would be fine. Everything was amazing, they even cooked up some chicken fingers and fries for Ben since he wouldn't eat anything they had out. I wish I had taken pictures of the set up but I didn't. The people were really friendly too. And get this, there was a lady sitting out there selling stuff like at the fish fry! I was so excited. Mr B and I went over after dinner and they loved him. I like to credit him for getting me a deal on my stuff and he got a "Turks and Caicos" braided bracelet and a turtle decoration since they lady just thought he was the cutest thing. He picked up this junky dolphin magnet and she told him he could have it and I stealth-fully guided him to the turtle... Then next thing I know she's also tying a bracelet on him and he's telling her about the water out there. She even called him Mr B! Now my last night was complete and I didn't have to panic about getting to the shopping center the next day before we left. Whew.

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Delicious beach bbq dinnerDelicious beach bbq dinner
Delicious beach bbq dinner

Only on Sundays at the Beach House

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