Soufriere trip

Published: August 2nd 2018
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The ouch tree
Yesterday, after the hospital, I went with the boys and the girls from Leeds to Marigot Bay. The weather wasn't great and it was quite windy. So we decided to play frisbee in the sea. It was a lot of fun, but because of the wind, it was very hard to aim the frisbee. At one point, I tried to throw the frisbee to one of the girls, but it got caught in the wind and headed straight for some rocks, where it hit a crab and sent him flying. It was a very very good shot if I had been aiming for the crab. I felt so bad, but when we went to get the frisbee, I saw the crab climb back out of the water onto the rocks, where he then hid much deeper into the rocks so I couldn't hit him again.

Today is a bank holiday here, so we didn't have to go into hospital. So we decided to do a trip down to Soufriere. First we did the Tet Paul Nature Trail. It's quite a short hike with great views of the Pitons and out to sea. They also pointed out quite a

Mount Jimmy, St Lucia's highest peak
few interesting plants on the trail. There's a very spiky tree there that is called the 'ouch' tree. You'll see in my photos how big the spikes are that gave it its name. There were some other pretty plants and fruit trees, and a lot of colourful birds flying overhead. The views of the Pitons were great. I really can't believe we climbed Gros Piton when you see how massive it is. The trail was only about half an hour, and really easy. Then we went to the sulphur springs, where I had another mud bath. The water this time was so so hot. It said it was about 38 degrees, but it felt hotter and actually really hurt. It took us a while to slowly lower ourselves in, and when we came out, we all had red legs and a line on our stomach showing where the water had been. It was definitely nicer the last two times. After the springs, we went to have lunch at a hotel with a pool and a great view of Petit Piton. We walked there, and got caught in a torrential downpour. We were soaked, but dried off and had a nice

Baby pineapple!
lunch, before relaxing in the pool. It rained pretty much the whole time we were there, but we were in the pool so it didn't really matter. Overall, it was quite a nice day. I had a lot of fun, but we walked about 8.5 km in total. So I'm exhausted, but my muscles don't ache this time at least. That's the last of the touristy things that we wanted to do, so I can just chill until I go home.

I've only got 2 full days after this. It's gone so quick! I'm kind of sad to be leaving, but I'm also really ready to come home now. I've also almost run out of mosquito repellent, bite cream and deodorant, so it's a good job it only has to last 2 more days. I'm also ready for some English food. Caribbean food is delicious, but it's a lot of the same meals over and over. I'll need a temporary ban on chicken and rice when I'm home.

Additional photos below
Photos: 13, Displayed: 13



Gros Piton, the mountain we climbed

Failed panorama that I find hilarious

Busy, too hot mud bath

The pool with a view

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