West Indies week 2 - on to St Lucia

Published: February 10th 2020
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Our last night in Antigua involved a return visit to Restaurant Incanto....fabulous food in a delightful setting, although it was a bit blowy that night. Our hostess in Antigua let us check out late which was great as we were able to have a full day before our evening flight to St. Lucia. This was interesting on a small 50 seater aircraft. We flew at about 18:00 heading south and looking west. As we flew the sky turned redder and redder finally fading to black as we landed. Spectacular but not really photographable. So, all good except that the taxi we ordered to pick us up failed to materialise so we had to find a cab and got into our new hotel later than planned. We’ve moved from a small B&B in the Antiguan hills to a hotel chain in the main St Lucia tourist area of Rodney Bay. There are 4 different hotel sites we have access too including a very nice beach side property and a shuttle bus between them. So we will not need a car this week.
So far we’ve explored locally, although a lot of places were closed on Sunday. Today we’ve been to the capital, Castries, by local bus: a fun, very cheap and interesting experience. In Castries we tried Roti for the first time (rather like a wrap stuffed with potatoes and mildly curried chicken), shopped a bit and groaned again at the impact the cruise ships have on the locals and local economy. (Cj writes: The guide book promised a shopping extravaganza in Castries. I suppose that rather depends on how you interpret that term. Let’s just say that the book and I differ on this important issue). The weather has been mixed. Temperatures are fine at 27c, but we’ve dodged quite a few heavy showers and today has been cloudy most of the time.

We’re close to the main centre of Rodney Bay, where there are plenty of good eating opportunities. Last night Cathy had a deluxe burger and I tried Jambalaya...basically a tasty risotto that I must try at home. We’re set fair for the rest of our stay now ... tomorrow we go on a boat down to Souffriere where all sorts of exciting activities await!

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Steve tried Jambalaya Steve tried Jambalaya
Steve tried Jambalaya

Very good but we did have to wait 85 minutes for it. We were soothed by free extra food and a free beer

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