We <3 Nica chicken busses

Published: June 1st 2017
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The local means of transportation in Central America, both famous and feared among travelers, is the chicken bus. The chicken bus is basically an old American school bus, bought from or donated by the US, sometimes recent but mostly in the previous millennium. The benches are made for small childrens' bums and fit easily three kids in the US.

Although there is not always (well to be honest almost never) a schedule, and if there is a schedule nobody really seems to care, in Nicaragua there are quite frequent busses leaving to really every corner of the country. We have been using the chicken busses to go anywhere at almost no costs. They go to some of the smallest places, even when there is not even a real road. How easy it is to get off the beaten track with these busses.

One thing the local chicken busses have in common with other countries' or other regions' local transport is the common knowledge that there is always space for one more ... one more person, one more bag, or one more chicken, until it feels crammed like ... well chickens. Another comfort of the chicken bus is that there is always local food and drinks to be bought from the local entrepreneurs. This way travelling through the country it's easy and fun to learn the different types of (street)food of the different regions.

And yes ... the locals do take chickens with them at the bus :-)

We love the Nica chicken busses!

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