Chilling in Masatepe

Published: May 6th 2018
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Hola chicos!

It's been a few weeks, seven I think since my last blog!

Mainly as I have been in the same spot, not many exciting things to report!

So a short blog with some updates of my stay in Masatepe Nicaragua.

Had another 2 weeks in Granada after my last blog, my landlady took me to Managua for the day to see a Baseball game, my first ever, it was actually quite good.

We had seats right behind the plate, in a new stadium which was actually quite empty.

Took a taxi ride from my last Air BnB in Granada, on 26th March about 45 mins drive west to a town called Masatepe, a more rural location.

I have been staying here for the last 5 weeks, only 3 weeks left, before heading to San Jose Costa Rica for 3 nights before my flight back to blighty.

I did have another volunteer space booked up, building a turtle hatchery for LAST, but cancelled to make sure my knee recovered .... which has actually now recovered 100%!

So the town I am staying in/near is Masatepe is a small town with a population of approx 40k, right next to Masaya crater lake. There is a main towncentre with a daily market and some hustle and bustle.

Masatepe totally different to Granada in that not a touristy area so no touristy bars and restaraunts, in fact not seen any westerners in town only the few staying at the Villa Vista park where I am staying.

I booked Villa Vista through air BNB, the house I am in has a great view of Masaya crater lake, unfortunately cant swim in it as has cayman and also I am told is not clean,... poor caymen!

I can also see two volcanoes near by Volcan Mombacho and Volcan Masaya, the latter still active with visible steam clouds coming from one of the craters.

Masaya is the one I did a night visit to from Granada to see the lava pool.

Both are not as sexy as Concepcion on Ometepe, having both blown up in their existence.

The house is one of 7 bungalows owned by a Dutch couple, Nel and Joop, who have been here 20 years.

There is an orange orchard, some coffee plants, coconuts, mangoes, lemons and some other fruit trees and they plan to do more with the land they have.

The bungalows are well built with 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, hot shower and a patio with a hammock, rocking chairs and an amazing view set in amongst the trees.

No more mosquito nets and not many bugs in the house! Mainly due to the fact we are 440m above sea level so get a cool breeze so nice at night even though still in the 20s.

Do see quite a bit of wildlife, lots of lizards, squirrels, birds including humming birds, seen a dead snake... and lots of ants!

Nel also has two bulldogs that come and visit me, they like licking my legs! One day one of them tried to get in my hammock with me lol

They plan to develop the farming side a bit more... the property is quite hilly and about 35 minutes walk from the centre of Masatepe.

Put a few photos up of the walk into town.

There is a couple in the house next to me, they have been here six months!

Other than them it is quite quiet here with just a few other couples coming for a few days here and there.

We are planning to go on a bus trip to the beach next week, about an hour and half drive taking two buses.

Did meet a couple from London who were here for two nights, spookily found out we had a friend in Portsmouth we both knew!

Took a walk down near the lake and then walked to a nearbye hostel/winery/piscina, only stopped for some food and a beer plus a look around.

The walk there was via the mud tracks leading down the hill from the villa complex.

I am told that it is not always safe to wander around near the lake on your own as there is a chance some drunk locals may mug you!

Found this out after I had been for my wanders lol

Generally been chilling in my hammock or rocking chair, watching movies/boxsets, Formula One, football etc,

playing on line poker, walking into town for groceries, walking around the farm and chilling at the pool for a few hours each day.

We had a barbecue one night with a few people staying here and Nel and Joop the owners.

Also went with Nel several times in her car to Managua city, about an hours drive from here, to visit larger supermarket.

It is nice to chill, have all the comforts of home and not work in the mornings, however after the first month here realise I do miss it... cant win! lol

There was some demonstrations in the main cities a few weeks ago, opposing change to NI and pension reforms.

Unfortunately 60 people died, mainly student age. Seems it was a peaceful demonstration but extremes fro government and maybe demonstrator sides kicked off full riots.....

Nothing in Masatepe just in the main cities.

This will be my penultimate blog for these travels, will write one more when on my last few days in Costa Rica...

So only 3 weeks left before flying home, have already been checking out various volunteer websites and Workaway to start thinking about the next trip, where to go and what to do.

Biggest learnings are that a month is probably best amount of time for each place with maybe 2 to 4 weeks break in between for Air BnB chilling or sightseeing.

Chow for now.

Additional photos below
Photos: 39, Displayed: 25


8th May 2018
A morning visitor!

Good morning Marko!
Good to hear from you, again great pictures. Times is passing fast not long time ago i was reading your first blog. Enjoy every minute of your time over there. I got exams this week, starts feeling nervous. Other then that everything else is the same work, home, uni. Take care, stay safe don't fight with the locals to much :) and speak you soon my friend:) J

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