Published: July 13th 2012
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Congratulations big Sis and Alex on your engagement!!! Nice to hear the good news!!! Were both looking forward to celebrating when we get home!!!

Love Brother and Rosie



13th July 2012

Hiya kids, we both really enjoyed the blog and ta for the phone call. Run off our feet again today but we're having a laugh and enjoying Jemima\'s company and help. Everytime I describe your blog to her, she says she's really jealous of your adventures. I must admit, that if I were a few years younger, I would do the same. Patch is still OK, Tess was unwell last week and feeling really sorry for herself, but we gave her paracetamol and she got better quickly. Gary sent a video of his band, have a look at northwest 12 superstition (and others) if you get chance on youtube - they're bloody good. Nice touch with the congratulations to K & A, It's a lovely ring and they are very happy. So all is rosey in the Owen household - love to you both - take good care. Dad & Mum, xxxx.

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