D&D Redux

Published: April 26th 2011
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I made my way back to D&D because it was on the way and because its a good place to camp. Its relatively cool here because its up in elevation so thats a big plus and I wanted to have a better look around the area than I did the last time. I ended up spending two days here due to indecision and indistinct warnings that travel might be difficult due to the Easter (Semana Santa) holday. I picked up a Norwegian backpacker with a heavy British accent who was on his way back to the D&D where he was rooming with another American. They were working out the logistics of how to get to Pulhapanzak Falls when I happened along with a car so that problem was solved. It was a impressive waterfall and a great place to swim and cool off. It was quite the busy place with many locals enjoying the easter holiday. We also went on a road trip to see the caves of Taulabe. It was an impressive cavern but we were all somewhat disappointed that we had to pay extra because we were extranjeros (foreigners).


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