Vacation to the Beach

Published: June 16th 2008
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The first weekend in May we had no school on a Thursday, Friday was an activity in the school, so I requested 2 days of vacation and took a long 4 day weekend to the Northern Coast of Honduras (a 9-hour bus ride) to the beaches of Trujillo, supposedly the nicest beaches in Honduras. We spent 4 very relaxing and beautiful days there, not doing much but swimming in the ocean. Here are some pictures.

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Footprints in the SandFootprints in the Sand
Footprints in the Sand

this picture was actually taken on the beach in La Ceiba, a stop along the way.
Sunset in La CeibaSunset in La Ceiba
Sunset in La Ceiba

the night before we went to Trujillo

Honduras + USA = Amigos
Estrella Del MarEstrella Del Mar
Estrella Del Mar

Starfish we found washed on shore. We threw them back in....saving lives where we can.

16th June 2008

The sunset...
the sunset is so pretty.
16th June 2008

It looks like a very peaceful and relaxing time at LaCeiba and Trujillo! I wish I could be there. Since I didn't get to go to Honduras-like I planned!!- maybe, I will go back with you when you return for a visit someday. In the meantime, we miss you here at home and look forward to you getting back here. Love you ~ Mom
16th June 2008

P.S. I thought Roaton was the most beautiful beach area in Honduras, no?

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