Day 22 - Tikal

Published: December 14th 2013
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It was our final day in Guatemala and on the way to the Belize boarder we stopped off at Tikal to see some more Mayan ruins.

I think at this point everyone had seen enough of the Mayan ruins because, as amazing as they looked, they all look pretty much the same and we had already visited Chichen Itza and Palenque in Mexico.

I would say the best thing about these ruins at Tikal is that the temples rise above the rainforest canopy and give a spectacular view. However the highlight for me was probably seeing a monkey spider in the wild, but unfortunately I was unable to get a photo. I did however get to take a photo of a bird called a crested guan (I believe) and our tour guide told me that they are rare to see. We also got to see toucans and anteaters, which was pretty awesome.

After spending a few hours viewing the ruins, there was an option to do ziplining, but I opted out as not really into heights.

After the Tikal visit we then headed to Belize, went through boarder control and on to San Ignacio where we will stay for the next two nights.

Additional photos below
Photos: 15, Displayed: 15



Crested guanCrested guan
Crested guan

Crested guan


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