Back to Guatemala - Lake Aticlan

Published: November 6th 2018
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SC writes in catch up mode:

Saturday was a very long travelling day, where we crossed back into Guatemala, bumped over a thousand sleeping policemen, climbed up to 2,500 meters and enjoyed some fantastic scenery. That got us to Lake Aticlan, a huge volcanic caldera dating bake 60,000 years, surrounded by three huge newer volcanic cones - spectacular scenery and even better sunsets.On Sunday we toured the local area,first by boat across the lake to two smallish villages. One was an arty crafty enclave where Cathy succumbed and bought some small painting. The other included a women's cooperative that produced woven goods from scratch. Cathy tried her hand at cotton spinning as you will see. In the afternoon we visit a huge market and we shopped! The photo shows a stall that sells all the spinning and weaving paraphenalia that we saw ealier in the day. I bought a nice pice of you do!

All good fun. Exodus are very good at getting off the beaten track and polishing their "eco-tourism" credentials. <br style="color:� font-family: UICTFontTextStyleTallBody; font-size: 17px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;" />In the evening we went down to the shore for the sunset - not great in itself but the afterglow was slendid - see picture. Update on food: We have done quite well for food especially early on when we found great steaks and lobster. No issues with Mexican food but Cathy has been a bit wobbly since the lobster. More recently our evening meals have been fine without being memorable. For the last two nights however we have followed the Exodus recommendations and have been very disappointed. One steak that I ordered was so tough that I sent it away and went for pasta instead. We are now in Antigua - more on that later - and we are hoping for better luck with our meal tonight - the last night of the tour proper when we will say goodbye to our fellow travellers. <br style="color:� font-family: UICTFontTextStyleTallBody; font-size: 17px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26,
Local coupleLocal coupleLocal couple

Cool outfits
0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;" />On that subject they have been a good bunch generally, including 3 seniors from New Zealand full of tips about our next big destination. However, one selfish and self centred couple have been a right royal pain and we will all be glad to see the back of them. Overall not as good a group as we had in Peru last year.

Still we are looking forward to three days here to chill, regroup and get the laundry done!

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Market shoppingMarket shopping
Market shopping

For bits of wood - which I like
Sunset with volcanoSunset with volcano
Sunset with volcano

Note the very Mount Fuji like cloud hat on the peak. Wonderful!

6th November 2018

Final night of the Exodus tour
Thankfully the Final Group Dinner went off well - helped greatly by the failure to turn up of the objectionable couple mentioned by Steve. And the food was pretty good too.
6th November 2018

Another Exodus
Glad you’ve enjoyed yet another Exodus trip - sounds like it could be one for the list. Shame about the painful couple - you never know what you’re going to get but you’re lucky to escape without a couple of pains.

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