Saturday the 14th

Published: May 15th 2022
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And it's John Legan's Birthday!! And we should have been celebrating it together 😞

The weather was due to be terrible today, but the forecast was somewhat modified by the time we got up (6, as usual), although some were awakened by the thunder and heavy rains at 4 and 5:30) and so we managed to get in a snorkel at Cemetery Beach. First, however, while dry, we went to the Pure Art shop Jean wanted to go to. Didn’t buy any thing, but it truly is a shop of art and more.

The first time we went to Cemetery Beach, years ago, we saw no reason to like it. Then the other day it produced THE MOST impressive list of big finds. So we wanted to do it again. This time I counted only 200 kicks to get to the big lumps of coral. Just one stingray and the most enormous green turtle we’ve ever encountered in the Caribbean. It had a big tail – just like the ones we saw in Hawaii, and which evidently are more a sign of long life than the size of the turtle itself. So this one was pretty old, but sure could move. When David tried to film it, he was off and running.

It was just a lovely day bobbing around in such clear water for almost 2 hours.

Lunch and naps.

Then, even though it threatened rain, and did a bit, we headed off to do some birding. It is evidently the Big Day, and members of Merlin are to report in on what species they saw. Due to the rain, the intense humidity, and the hungry mosquitoes, we rarely got out of the car, but still picked up 13 species.

It was lovely to log into our Marriage Encounter Journey Group at 5:45 for an hour, and then we cooked a dinner of jack (don’t know what kind but it was very tasty), sweet potatoes, and mixed onions & zucchini.

A most unexpected visitor: after dinner we swept the floor a bit with the provided broom. When someone went into the closet to get the dustpan, there was a cute little Froggie sitting on it! As we haven’t a clue how to catch him, he continues to share our condo.

With the weather due to rain every day for the coming week, we have to feel sorry for the visitors just arriving!

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