Arrived in Barbados

Published: January 3rd 2022
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Well we have arrived at last into Barbados. You will never know how many hoops we have had to jump through. Even down to when we were supposed to board and the tannoy says we are waiting to see if the captain has tested positive!!!! However, that is all in the past now as arrived at the hotel and first thing, well nearly the first thing, as had to unpack my dresses and hang them up and guess what realised Mike only has one hanger left - well princess or what never said I was anything else, ha ha, we had a swim in the sea and a few beers and a bite to eat.

I need to tell you this, do not and I am saying do not, watch The Father with Anthony Hopkins and Supernova in the same evening. OMG what tear jerkers and even the hostess was offering a glass of brandy with a pack of hankies!!!

So now going to have an early night ready for tomorrow morning and a dip in the sea before breakfast - bliss or what. So hang on in there for more updates and photos of our adventures of the high seas and the Caribbean - watch out Pirates, the Fairbairns and Larmetts have landed and awaiting the Finch’s arrival tomorrow.


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