Antigua and Barbuda instead of St Maarten due to forecasted adverse weather – Tropical storm

Published: January 18th 2019
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As we were not expecting to be in Antigua and Barbuda today, we had nothing planned at all.

We did get off the ship though and had a really nice wander around the town.

This was the first time off the ship for 6 days and it was nice to be on firm ground again.

The pavements and roads in Antigua are in a terrible state which really surprised us as many cruise ships go there. Theresa took a little tumble, but no damage thankfully. We heard of a few people that had tumbled and hurt themselves badly.

We are keeping an eye on the weather in St Thomas as we really do not want to miss that port.

This is because St Thomas is our official entry point into America where your entry documents are checked and authorised. Completed here, it takes a very short time unlike in America where it can take hours. At the moment, it looks like rain but not a lot of wind. That should be ok for us still to get there.

Tonight, we went to Sheehan’s for dinner. Their portions are not too big so it is also great for lunch. It took a bit of ingenuity to work it out for dinner. George ended up ordering two portions of their spicy wings – He loves chicken wings. After about 9.00 pm, he had had enough, but pushed himself to eat them all. More than a bit of a spice overload.

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