Page 8 of rrruss Travel Blog Posts

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar December 30th 2018

Getting to Zanzibar was easy! We flew with Precision Air from Arusha's tiny airport to Zanzibar's International but not-much-bigger airport. It was all a bit rustic but it was a pleasant enough experience. Before we knew it we were in a pre-arranged taxi and on our way to our hotel just outside of Zanzibar town. The Zanzibar Ocean View Hotelwas more or less deserted! It was a little more rustic than we had anticipated for the price but it was ok and the restaurant served a great breakfast. It wasn't all good though. On our first night there was a very loud wedding party but they finished at 10pm which wasn't so bad. Christmas Day was a different matter though and the Christmas party (that us paying guests were not part of) had music so loud ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Ngorongoro Conservation Area December 21st 2018

The third and final leg of our safari took us into the Ngorogoro crater.That meant a very early start with breakfast ready for 6am and departure soon afterwards. It’s quite a drive up to the crater and there’s a lot of altitude to be gained so to maximise the time in the park, sacrifices have to be made. That means sleep is less important! From the rim of the crater the whole world seems to open up before you. It’s hard to imagine that you are in fact looking down on a volcanic crater. Technically it’s a caldera as part of the crater wall collapsed many moons ago. As you approach the crater floor the road gets pretty rough in places. We were so thankful to have Josh from Joash Africa Wilderness Insight at the wheel ... read more
Two warthogs go head to head!
Buffalo licking its nose!
We couldn't believe how close we were to the lions

Africa » Tanzania » North » Lake Manyara December 20th 2018

Our second national park in Tanzania was Lake Manyara.It took a few hours to get there and heavy overnight rain hadn’t helped the state of the roads. Along the way we passed several Masai villages. They are quite recognisable by the round mud huts but as the years go by, more and more Masai are living in brick houses. Once inside the park we were immediately surrounded by a troop of large baboons. They were uninterested in us, but it was a great start to the day. Soon enough they were joined by a troop of black faced vervet monkeys. These two species live peacefully alongside each other – a fine example to humanity. With thick vegetation all around us it was hard to spot anything, but Josh from Joash Africa Wilderness Insight was so good ... read more
Close up and personal with an elephant
Watch out, there are monkeys about!
A tower of giraffes

Africa » Tanzania » North » Tarangire National Park December 19th 2018

The first national park on our safari with Joash Africa Wilderness Insight was Tarangire, chosen as it was closest to Arusha and had the largest concentration of elephants in the world. After an early start, Josh picked us up at our hotel in Arusha and drove a couple of hours to the visitor centre at the entrance to the park. There we were able to use the facilities and wander around some of their informative displays whilst our guide sorted everything out regarding park fees. There were also some excellent stained glass windows showing the park in both wet and dry season. Soon enough we were on our way along bumpy park tracks around the baobab trees and acacias, looking for animals and birds. They were not hard to find! It was very soon into the ... read more
Stained glass window

Africa » Tanzania » North » Arusha December 17th 2018

Our African adventure is under way! We left sunshine behind us in Alicante on a much delayed Transavia flight (they got the wheels off the ground 5 minutes before we would have been due any compensation!) and arrived in Amsterdam in freezing fog. There was snow on the ground and we couldn’t see over the road so we didn’t venture far beyond the NH Schipol Airport Hotel.That’s not to say we didn’t leave the hotel. We did actually cross the road to the Best Western, but like the hotel where we were staying, the restaurant was closed to cater for the multitude of passengers stranded due to the weather. We had some great schnitzel in the nearby Bastion hotel then turned in for an early night with KLM awaiting us the next morning. A welcome McBreakfast ... read more
Museum Entrance
Natural History
Natural History

Europe » Portugal » Lisbon & Tagus Valley » Lisbon April 22nd 2018

The train down from Porto was very comfortable. Halway towards Lisbon it clouded over and by the time we arrived at Oriente station it was raining. We negotiated the metro down to Cais de Sodré where we were able to store our bags while we waited for our friend to finish work. We got there a bit early so we popped over the road and had a quick drink in Hennesey's, an ex-pat Irish style pub with very expensive beer! The after work buzz was good though, and it's not something we often get the chance to do. Once we met up with Kev, he took us (via the Metro) to a traditional chicken grill restaurant, Restaurante Primavera. It was cheap and cheerful but an authentic Lisboa experience - just go easy on the fiery piri ... read more
Cristo Rei
Cristo Rei
The view from Cristo Rei

Europe » Portugal » Northern » Porto April 19th 2018

Porto. Wow! What to say? Porto, or is it Oporto? Well it would appear that the latter pronunciation is both English and Spanish, but the former is Portuguese. The success of the local football team, FC Porto, has led to much greater usage of the shorter name, so that's what we will use! This was such a cool city that we actually abandoned the plans to visit another friend on this trip and extended our stay for an extra day. The bus down from Viseu was plain sailing and it wasn't too bad a walk from the bus station to our hotel. Our initial thoughts on the Vera Cruz Hotel were very positive. So much so in fact that we thought immediately about staying an extra night. We asked at reception and were given a pretty ... read more
Porto trying some port
Porto - empanadas

Europe » Portugal » Northern » Viseu April 16th 2018

Viseu was a place we had never heard of until a friend moved there to teach last year. It's taken a bit of coordinating but at long last we managed to find convenient dates and we had the pleasure of Lucy showing us around her town. Forgive the title of this blog - all will become clear soon! Set in the hills about two thirds of the way between Lisbon and Porto, Viseu is a beautiful place with stunning views all around. Yes, it's a bit on the chilly side at this time of year, but it's nothing that a decent jacket can't cope with. There are some coach trip tourists during the day but in general visitor numbers are minuscule compared to Portugal's more popular places. It's best to start at the highest point, around ... read more
The Horse's!
Viseu Chocolates

Europe » Portugal » Lisbon & Tagus Valley » Lisbon April 14th 2018

It's hard to believe its four years since we last visited Lisbon. We fell in love with the city then, so the chance to go and spend a few days with friends and then travel around the country a little was too much to resist. Imagine then, being able to sit out on a rooftop terrace and drink a glass of wine as the sun went down. We fell in love with Lisbon all over again! Having done most of the walking around and main tourist sights last time, we had a very specific list on this visit. It began with a trip to the fabulous tile museum. Now, this may not sound like the most incredible experience but it was. Inside we learned all about the history of tile making in Portugal. It came from ... read more
Lovely streets

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Nay Pyi Taw January 17th 2018

Many people think Yangon/Rangoon is the capital of Myanmar/Burma. Well, it used to be but in 2005 the administrative capital of the country was moved to a brand new city, Nay Pyi Taw. But for our friend Joe, who is working there at the moment, we probably wouldn't have bothered visiting. This is especially so after reading the handful of blogs that are out there where the bloggers found a deserted city devoid of much interest to the casual traveller. After spending 4 nights there, we beg to differ! It's not difficult to see where the myth of an empty city comes from as it is incredibly vast in relation to its population, and many government and military workers divide their time between work here and family elsewhere. When you stand in the middle of a ... read more

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