Page 55 of rrruss Travel Blog Posts

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso February 13th 2007

We left Santiago looking forward to hitting the beaches, but instead we hit 3 days of cloudy skies. Only at 6pm on our last evening did the sun come out!! Valpo wasn’t our favourite place. We had expected something small and quaint with beautiful funicular railways running up and down its many hills. Instead we found a place looking tired and unloved, in need of a good clean and a lick of paint. It was also suffering after a huge gas explosion and fire ripped apart part of the historic quarter the night before our arrival. The acrid smell of smoke still lingered in the air. But let’s look at the positives! It has an excellent Metro train system to get you away from town! The funiculars are very cheap and good fun to ride, although ... read more
Knock knock
The green wall

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago February 4th 2007

We never intended staying for almost a week in Santiago but our hostel was so nice that we couldn't bear to leave. The weather has been perfect (hot and sunny) but Santiago suffers from a terrible smog problem. If this is the good time of year, we cannot begin to imagine what it is like in the winter. So, what have we done? Well, we've looked around the historical buildings and eaten fish at the central market. We climbed the hills and rode the funicular and teleferico cable cars. We swam in a beautiful swimming pool and began to get our tans ready to attack the beach! We visited the Concha y Toro vineyard which was great. The tasting was very pleasant and we are now the proud owners of two great wineglasses. Unfortunately they are ... read more
And more smog!
The old and the new in the Plaza de Armas
The Central Market

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Villarrica February 1st 2007

Villarrica turned out to be a great place to relax for a few days, do not much, and make new friends. We really enjoyed ourselves despite not seeing much of the town. Our hostel was excellent and we had a view from our window of Volcano Villarrica which dominates the skyline. We wanted to climb it but at US$90 for the trip it was twice the price I had anticipated (45,000 Chilean Pesos). Friends who did the excursion said it was an excellent experience and not too hard to climb. The lakeside area was nice (but I didn't take the camera out when we went for a stroll!) and the indigenous Mapuche fair was good with food, music and dance. We managed a couple of trips out . Nearby Pucon is the heart of the local ... read more
Indian Carving
Mapuche Music
Wooden trails to the baths

South America » Chile » Los Ríos » Valdivia January 28th 2007

We left Chiloé in drizzle and arrived a few hours later in Valdivia in torrential rain! Fortunately the landlady of our hostel picked us up from the bus terminal but that didn’t stop us from looking like drowned rats as we trudged down the driveway. It was amazing to think that we got THAT wet walking a matter of yards! Luckily we had decent weather for the rest of our stay. Valdivia is a lovely place at the confluence of three rivers. It was great to see the fish market in action as the fish mongers filleted and cleaned their catch. There were so many varieties of fish, some familiar to us and some not, and mountains of shellfish like mussels and clams. The highlight is not the market though, but the thousands of seagulls and ... read more
Fresh fillets
Eye, eye
A healthy sealion

South America » Chile » Los Lagos » Chiloé Island January 23rd 2007

Our short trip over to the island of Chiloé took us over the Canal de Chacao and away from the Chilean mainland. On the crossing we saw a school of dolphins playing in the busy shipping lane, and a flock of pelicans glided gracefully by. Our first stop was the town of Ancud, the last bastion of Spanish rule in Chile. The main reason for our visit though, was to meet up with Juno (Junah/Jeroen) from Belgium who was a fellow student on our English teaching course a year ago. He owns a farm nearby and we were keen to see what his lifestyle was like. It was great to see him again after a year, and it was a pleasure to have a wonderful dinner with his delightful girlfriend Grecia. Ancud was a very quiet ... read more
Fishing Boats of Ancud
The Spanish Fort
A Multi Lungual Sign

South America » Chile » Los Lagos » Puerto Varas January 17th 2007

Border crossings are sent to try us! This one added a good 2 hours onto our journey. We had to queue (that’s stand in line to some of my friends - you know who you are!) in seat number order and we were processed strictly in that order. Unfortunately some travellers didn’t seem to care about this (can you guess where they are from?) and tried to ignore the instruction. It didn’t work and we eventually got processed, STRICTLY in that order! Add to that the swarms of horseflies and it was all a bit irritating. Once we got going the views were magnificent. Volcano Osorno is omnipresent in this region and it dominates the view with every turn. Wow, it is sooooo impressive. And once we arrived in Puerto Varas we were impressed to see ... read more
Damned Horsefly
A close up view
The German Style Church

Who said travelling around South America would be easy? Flexibility is the key. Yes, yes, we’ve always known that, but from Puerto Deseado we changed our plans so often that we almost forgot what we originally wanted to do! Plan A - travel to Comodoro Rivadavia then on to Bariloche to cross into Chile, visiting Puerto Varas en route to Chiloe. (discarded because we fancied trying somewhere different and had heard good reports about the Carretera Austral) Plan B - travel to Caleta Oliva then on to Los Antiguos to cross into Chile, going up the Carretera Austral to Chaiten before crossing to Chiloe. (discarded because there has just been the annual Cherry Festival in Los Antiguos and every hotel is full. Really, EVERY hotel is full!) So, we took the bus to Comodoro Rivadavia………. Plan ... read more
The Hotel Llao Llao

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » Puerto Deseado January 9th 2007

It was an interesting journey to Puerto Deseado. As we got on the bus at San Julian you could sense the other travellers thinking “why have they got on here, where have they been?” But when we got off the bus at the dot on the map labelled Fitz Roy they must have been thinking we are rather strange with a wild sense of adventure. Getting off the bus was a daunting sight as all we could see was the flat monotony of the Patagonian countryside going on as far as the eye could see, and the endless straight road disappearing to the horizon. As the bus pulled away a tiny one street village was revealed and we were to wait at the miniature general store for a connecting bus. Now connecting buses are all well ... read more
A scary sight when you get off the bus
A breezy boat ride
The BBC own a boat in Argentina?

It was quite an interesting journey back into Argentina. From Puerto Natales we took a bus to Rio Turbio on the Argentine side of the border, just a few km away. The crossing was easy and quick, quite different to our previous experiences! Then we had to buy another ticket to Rio Gallegos. When we arrived at the office, it was closed and there were loads of people outside. It looked a like a scene outside a travel agency which has just announced it has gone into liquidation and their customers have lost their money! Fortunately that wasn’t the case, its just that the office doesn’t open until half an hour before departures. Phew!! We never thought we would end up going back to Rio Gallegos, but we didn’t really have a choice if we wanted ... read more
Friends Again?
But there´s always one of these!
The site of the first mass in South America

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Puerto Natales January 4th 2007

Happy New Year from Puerto Natales, Chile. We had a great time there even if we didn’t do what most people go there for! It turns out that it’s almost impossible to visit the Torres del Paine National Park on public transport and complete a decent day’s walking without staying in the park. Trish insists she is to old for camping (she’s NOT!) and the refugios would have blown our budget completely. Instead we settled for climbing a small mountain nearer to town. We had to pay an entry fee to walk on the land but were promised “coffee and cake” when we came back down. The climb was much tougher than we had expected, but the views were worth every aching muscle. We sat inches from a precipice and ate our lunch before a condor ... read more
Flight of the Condor
Relaxing in the mountains
Beautiful Scenery

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