Page 2 of explorerkeith Travel Blog Posts

Our journey from El Yunque to San Juan completed our circle of the island of Puerto Rico. We had seen many amazing things and we had had a lot of fun, but I was most excited about what we had planned for the coming days in San Juan. The city was founded in 1521 as Puerto Rico, a rich harbor on the north coast of the island of San Juan Bautista. It was the second oldest European settlement in the Caribbean and it served as the seat of Spain’s government in the Americas. Some time after the founding of the city a Spanish cartographer mixed up the name of the city and the name of the island and the error stuck, cementing the Island of Puerto Rico and its capital of San Juan into the history ... read more
The Lonely Watchtower - Fuerte San Cristóbal
Puerta de San Juan
Parque de los Palomas

Central America Caribbean » Puerto Rico December 28th 2009

The ferry from Vieques dropped us off in the town of Fajardo, on Puerto Rico’s east coast. We found a ride to the rental car office about twenty minutes south of town and a short time later we were in our rental car heading west along the north shore of the island. We passed the capitol of San Juan and continued for a while before we turned south and headed into the island’s mountainous interior. After a few more hours of winding mountain roads and stunning vistas we crossed over a deep ravine and found our home for the coming days. We were staying at Casa Grande, a lovely yoga retreat located on a lush hillside in the rugged center of Puerto Rico. We quickly got moved in and started relaxing. Our room had a lovely ... read more
A Road Trip Through Puerto Rico
Arecibo Observatory
La Guancha Paseo Tablado 1

Central America Caribbean » Puerto Rico » Vieques December 23rd 2009

It had been a whirlwind journey filled with canceled flights, long cab rides, and one runaway piece of luggage that tobogganed down the long escalator toward us, but we had made it and the turquoise water and lush vegetation were worth all of the hardships. We were staying in the small town of Esperanza on the south shore of Vieques, a small island off of the east coast of Puerto Rico. The island was part of a group of islands collectively known as the Spanish Virgin Islands and it had had a tumultuous past. The island paradise was in the fledgling stages of building a tourism industry after its previous life as a bombing range for the US Navy had come to an end. We were there for several days as part of a bigger journey ... read more
Taking on Water
Welcome to Vieques
Snorkeling at Blue Beach 3

Oceans and Seas » Arctic » Barents Sea September 30th 2009

Southward we went. The winds and the waves became fierce and rain set in, so the captain decided to skip our planned stop in Hornsund, at the southern end of Spitsbergen – The conditions were not good for a landing and there was a huge gale coming in. The ship was made ready for the open ocean and a crossing of the wild Barents Sea. We waived our farewells to Arctic expanses of Svalbard and to the land of the ice bear and we set our sights on the notorious ocean crossing that separated us from the Norwegian shore. The Barents Sea was known as one of the earth’s stormiest seas and it didn’t disappoint. The ship bounced, and jarred, and rocked, and rolled its way southward for the next four days. For the first day ... read more
Sailing Along the North Coast of Norway 3
The Aurora Borealis 10
Tromsø at Night

Europe » Svalbard » Spitsbergen September 24th 2009

The ringing of the ship bell jolted us out of our slumber. The bell was reserved for letting us know when it was time to eat and when there was something amazing to see, so we all rushed on deck. The sky was blue and cloudy and there were amazing, jagged mountains rising up all around us. On the shore we spotted two large polar bears milling about. One of the bears had a dead seal in its mouth and was enjoying its morning feast. The landscape was breathtaking and I was torn between watching the bears and scanning the Arctic expanses. There wasn’t any ice in the sea around us, which made me wonder how far we had gone during the night. After about an hour watching the bears the bell rang again to tell ... read more
Sailing in Liefdefjord 5
Climbing Zeeuwse Uitkijk 2
A Beautiful Sunset in Magdalene Fjord 3

Europe » Svalbard » Nordaustlandet September 19th 2009

I took in a deep breath, smiling as the icy air shot into my lungs and filled my body with a strong sense of being alive. It was still technically summertime, yet the multiple layers of fleece and nylon I was wearing did little to cut the Arctic chill. I looked down to my small backpack and hoped that I had brought enough clothing to stay warm. From my vantage point on the tourist dock I watched the infrequent boating traffic go by on the fjord. Each time I saw a new boat rise up out of the distant horizon I got excited, only to be let down when the small dot turned into a large fishing boat or a research vessel. Just as I began to wonder if my boat was going to show up, ... read more
Fighting Over the Whale
The Chinese Research Station
The Three Crowns

Europe » Svalbard » Spitsbergen September 13th 2009

I have always been an insatiable dreamer. When I was young I would devour the pages of National Geographic Magazine as I accompanied the authors on grand adventures all over the world. In school, I was the kid that sat in the back of class blankly staring forward with a thousand mile gaze, daydreaming about being an explorer and sailing across the ocean to an unknown land. As the other kids studied English and math, or slept soundly at their desks I could be found in Antarctica, or the jungles of South America, or in Africa on some grand, but fictitious adventure. I often found myself plying the deck of a tall ship in the icy waters of the Arctic Ocean, surrounded by a boundless seascape of floating ice and strange animals. In my dreams I ... read more
Snowy Vistas
Exploring Longyearbyn 10
Exploring Longyearbyn 4

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen September 9th 2009

The Oslo to Bergen railroad was known throughout Europe for its stunning scenery. The tracks traversed the high, mountainous plateau of central Norway where snowy peaks and glacial rivers were the norm and settlements were few and far between. My journey started in a station near Drammen. I took a seat at a north-facing window and then the train smoothly lurched and pulled out of the station. We passed through a few more stations before we started ascending into the mountains of central Norway. The rolling hills gave way to thick pine forests and then the trees gave way to the desolate beauty of the high mountains. I marveled at the snowy peaks and the expansive moraines. The train crossed several glacial rivers and I spotted several lovely waterfalls and lakes along the way. The train ... read more
Exploring the Bryggen Waterfront 5
Bergenhus Fortress 3
The Oslo-Bergen Railway 6

Europe » Norway » Southern Norway » Drammen August 31st 2009

We were standing in an idyllic tree-filled gorge overlooking a sweeping, glacier-carved valley. Thick clouds of mist flowed over the ridges and shrouded their heights in mystery. In places the thick forest gave way to sheer gray walls of stone that rose up into the mist and disappeared. Below us to our right was a giant box canyon with smooth, vertical walls. There was a small waterfall there that trickled down the wall into a calm pool at the bottom. To our left, hidden behind a blanket of trees was the town of Rjukan, once a major Norwegian industrial center that produced saltpeter. Across the valley in front of us there were large pipes running down the forested slope to a grand stone building in the valley. The waterfall had put Rjukan on the map, but ... read more
Exploring Kjøsterudjuvet 10
Moulin Rouge
Rjukan Power Station

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo August 19th 2009

After a train, a crowded bus, a confusing time in the Oslo bus station, and a second train, I walked out of the train station and got my first glimpse of Drammen. Drammen was the town that my great grandparents had left about one hundred years before to start a new life in America. I had always been proud of my Norwegian heritage, so it was exciting when my mom made contact with a second cousin who still lived in Drammen. Her cousin, Cato, and his partner, Mona, came to America and visited my family there in 2005. I was in Antarctica during their visit, so it wasn’t until 2007, when I met my parents in Dublin, Ireland, that I finally met Cato and Mona. We had a grand time in Dublin and became great friends. ... read more
Exploring the Fram
At the Viking Ship Museum 4

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