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Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP November 3rd 2022

Unusually for me, I voluntarily got up at 5:30, but since I went to bed at 9:30, it wasn’t too bad. My tent has only a few faint lights that have forced me to use my flashlight to find things. After each full day, I undo the day, arrange for the next day, and find bed welcome. This morning the attraction was watching the sun rise above the escarpment on the other side of the Mara River valley. At 6:10 my backpack was ready for the day, and I walked to the designated sunrise viewing location. A group of Swedish students were there already. I took some pictures from the edge of the group, until the chaperone generously pointed out a chair free at the front. I immediately took advantage. The Maasai Mara spread wide far ... read more
Mara Conservancy
Nile Crocodiles and hippos

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP November 2nd 2022

Back on the road after lunch, we moved more slowly as we entered the private North Mara Conservancy, where fenced farms were not allowed. (Conservancies allow unfenced farms; National Parks do not allow any farms.) Lots of zebras were immediately obvious, then warthogs, distant rhinos, gazelles, and many more Topi. Far towards the horizon, giraffes became apparent, sometimes resembling sticks because they were so far away. To my surprise, I began to catch sight of the animals on my own. Thomson’s Gazelles were easily identified from the distinctive curved black line on their sides. We were slowly climbing a towering escarpment out of the Rift Valley. The road led to the lowest end, steadily rose, then took a sharp turn to go all the way up. The Mara West Camp parking lot was busy when we ... read more
Dusk Mara West
Mara West Camp
Lunch just off the roadside

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP November 2nd 2022

This morning we left to drive the required circuitous route that mainly led south and west. Not far from the city of Lake Naivasha, Steve pointed out two not-quite-clouds. They were two large thermal springs used to make electricity for the area. Soon afterwards, we joined the Rift Valley, and the hundreds of trucks on the Trans African Highway. Along the way were a smaller and then a larger truck stop that accommodate the needs of drivers and their vehicles. Unfortunately, all such truck stops along the highway are notorious for the spread of HIV, from men to sex-workers to other men and to their families, a major cause of HIV among married women and their newborn children. Lucas described this, although I was familiar with the issues from my reading. The truck stops were almost ... read more
Sand diggers
Re-entering Rift Valley
Cattle drive on road

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Lake Naivasha November 1st 2022

Instead of a boxed lunch (thank heavens!), Lucas brought us to an upscale local restaurant for a lunch of Kenyan foods. We were asked to wash our hands at an outdoor tap and sink before entering. The buffet lunch included mashed-potato-corn-greens, chicken pieces in a peppery tomato sauce, goat, ugali (similar to polenta), steamed shredded cabbage and carrots, triangles of chapatti, and small deep-fried potatoes. On the table was a sweet sauce and a mild chili sauce. My favourites were the tender goat, potato-corn-greens, and the small potatoes. Potatoes in Kenya are particularly good. I had black tea afterwards – I really like this Kenyan Gold tea, both black and green. We drove for another hour on the highway, until reaching Lake Naivasha , one of seven lakes in the Kenyan part of the url= read more
Grounds of Lake Naivasha Lodge
Waterbuck at dusk
Ibis high in the tree

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Lake Naivasha November 1st 2022

The past two mornings have been camping cold – shivering out of bed to the alarm clock and shrugging on a fleece jacket. Overnight was warm in bed, because the room steward put two very heavy water bottles between the sheets that were still warm in the morning. They might be filled with something other than water because they were almost too heavy to move. The bed was also covered with a thick blanket and a heavy duvet. The grass turned spring green with the short rain we had yesterday during the game ride. Everything looked fresh as we started the journey to and through the Aberdare Mountain Range . Near to the Conservancy gates were three schools, children dressed in uniforms. The important town of Nanyuki was where the drivers stopped to increase the tire ... read more
TransAfrica Highway
 Cape Buffalo

Africa » Kenya » Central Province » Laikipia Plateau October 31st 2022

At the end of our morning drive, we passed a young (5 years) elephant lost and distressed. Steve thought it had stayed in the wallow after its mother insisted on leaving. Eventually, through smell and distress cries, it should be able to reunite with its family; meanwhile it was vulnerable to predation. Steve explained that wallows start as holes from ground termites. Then increasingly large animals use the soft, slightly hollowed space, and gradually the depression becomes big enough for all. Since it is a depression, even small amounts of water sink into it, making it cool and somewhat or wholly muddy. We next visited the Chimpanzee Sanctuary for orphaned chimps. This is the same one started in Rwanda by Jane Goodall . When the url=https://huma... read more
Mary, 19 years
Baraka, blind and amenable to tourists offering leaves
Cheetah with a full belly

Africa » Kenya » Central Province » Laikipia Plateau October 31st 2022

Up at 5:45 this morning to depart at 7:00 – we have to get up with the animals! Ducking out of my tent at 6:30 was a delightful surprise, because the sun was shining across the plain where animals were walking towards the small waterhole in front of the tents. Out on the game ride, we learned about Black Rhinos , relatively uncommon here, Southern White Rhinos , commonly seen, and Northern White Rhinos . There are only two Northern White Rhinos remaining in the world, all at this Conservancy; they were collected from the zoos where they had been kept. They live in an enclosed, highly secured area of 700 acres. It is highly visible because it glows with an unusually lushly green, ... read more
Elephant environment
Elephant calf
White Bellied Bustard

Africa » Kenya » Central Province » Laikipia Plateau October 30th 2022

I am sitting in a highly-constructed tent – the epitome of “glamping”: complete bathroom, excellent electricity for charging batteries, tables and chairs, and a hard floor. No key. The receptionist repeated about three times that we zip up and zip down, no key. Beyond this front row of tents is a field roamed by impala, guinea fowl, waterbuck, and lots of little birds. A ditch protects the resort. This is the Sweetwaters Serena Camp. We are in Ol Pejeta Conservancy . The gate is only ten minutes away, but we spent almost two hours driving through the dry grassland capturing photos of animals. Only about 100 metres into the park, we watched a pregnant Black Rhino stroll across our field of view. Without moving, we caught sight of a few old male ... read more
Impala and baby
 Black Rhino
Pregnant Rhino

Africa » Kenya » Central Province » Laikipia Plateau October 30th 2022

Our morning started at 7:30, early enough to avoid the closed roads and traffic for a big charitable marathon. The beginning of our drive followed the route from yesterday, which I sort of recognized. Our destination was the up-scale “Karen” district and the Karen Blixen Museum . The writer’s long-time house has been preserved and restored more-or-less as she left it. A young guide told us the history while we gazed at the long, low house set in a park-like garden. Karen Blixen still evokes a lot of respect here; before leaving, she ensured that “her Kikuyu” were settled on reasonable land. Inside the house (no photos allowed), the rooms displayed a surprising number of her artifacts, considering she sold up when she left, an almost bankrupt farmer and coffee-grower. Natural and person... read more
Residences for commuters into Nairobi
Sunday - slow market day
Mango trees

Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province » Nairobi October 29th 2022

Thankfully, I slept until after 9:00 this morning, untroubled by waking in the night. Breakfast was a buffet of Kenyan, English and Indian cuisines; my choices were dates, papaya, a scone, strawberry jam, pork sausages, and sweet potato, with green tea. Fully satisfying. Instructions last evening were to be in the lobby by noon for a couple of excursions. I was the only one there, provoking all imaginable questions about time and location. I pacified my panic by looking around the hotel. Now called the Sarova Stanley , it was built in 1902 as the New Stanley Hotel. Many historic photos testified to its fame as the place to meet for safaris, meals, and social occasions. The Thorn Tree restaurant, where I had breakfast, used to be open air, and the thorn tree was famous as ... read more
Ecobank building
Giraffe Centre
Busy day at the Giraffe Centre

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