Page 7 of Two of Us Travel Blog Posts

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Darwin September 8th 2014

Fogg Dam Conservation Reserve is located 70 km east of Darwin. Unfortunately, we were not able to hike the trails of this reserve due to a large crocodile in the area. (First time I've ever seen a crocodile trap!) We were, however, able to drive and stop at some designated areas with viewing platforms. Over 200 types of birds have been identified in this wetland. In fact, you would be hard pressed to take a photo and not capture a bird! There were the most beautiful pink lily flowers (I know there must be proper name, but that's what I'm calling them). I could have spent days in this park! It was hard to know where to look there was so many birds; it was truly incredible!! Australia has many types of wildlife and plant species ... read more
Little bird at Fogg Dam
Crocodile Trap

September 6, 2014 – We headed out bright and early to Litchfield National Park, a 1500 square kilometer park, 100 km southwest of Darwin. This was Father’s Day in Australia and we were expecting the roads to be busy. Maybe we left before the crowds, or maybe we were just faster than the rest (the speed limit is this part of Australia is 130 kms/hr!!) but, we didn't meet another vehicle until we were well within the park. Termites! Everything in Australia is big! And nothing symbolizes this more than their termite mounds – one type of termite (there are several kinds) build tall Cathedral Mounds that can be over 50 years old! They’re not the kind a cathedral I’m used to, but I did feel a kind a reverence for the tiny creatures that create ... read more
Florence Falls
Wangi Falls
Shady Creek Walk

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Darwin September 6th 2014

We were scouting out Darwin and looking for a place we could go and sit on the beach and toast the beginning of our trip to the 'Top End'. Sometimes words are just not sufficient in telling a story, and sometimes I just run out of time and energy ... so please just have a look, you'll get the "picture".... read more
Soul Mates
In flight

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Darwin » City of Darwin September 5th 2014

September 5th - Today we rose at 4:30 a.m., stumbled aboard ‘Jack’s Bus’ for the three-hour ride to the Sydney Airport, and boarded an airplane for the four and a half flight to Darwin, or as it’s known in Australia, ‘The Top End’. As we arrive at the airport the weather was not just warm, it was hot! This is the Australia I’ve always heard of!! We ended the evening watching the sun set into a beautiful blue sea from our balcony on the 16thfloor. Our first full day in Darwin was a busy one. In the morning we visited the 130-year old, George Brown Botanical Gardens. A beautiful retreat in the city, this garden has a variety of indigenous tropical plants and trees as well as many others from around the world. How I envy ... read more
Cool, Clear Water
It's WARM!!
Chill'in in the rain forest

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Maitland September 4th 2014

September 4th – After a lovely sleep under flannelette sheets in an antique bed that made me feel like a kid as it was such a long way down to get out of it, we woke this morning and travelled into Maitland to visit David’s Aunt Margaret. Margaret, who will be 85 in a few days, told us many stories about Scotland and Australia, and introduced David to more of his family’s artistic heritage. Both Margaret and her husband, George created numerous pieces – we left with one from each of them. They will be treasured memories of this trip. In the evening we met more of David’s extended family and celebrated Margaret’s birthday. Such a long way to come, and such a short visit, and yet we are grateful for the family members we did ... read more
Family Gathering
Happy Birthday!

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Newcastle September 3rd 2014

September 3rd – The weather forecast was not promising, but David wanted some photos of the coast, so we rose at 4:45 a.m., and off to Newcastle we went. And – the forecast was right – rain, high winds, and terrific waves! David was in his element! Judy and I stayed dry in the car while Mal valiantly kept David company, even losing a hat in the process. After breakfast, the weather improved enough for us to visit the Shortland Wetlands Centre. Here we were introduced to more of the region’s flora and fauna including a poisonous Red-Bellied Black Snake that was warming itself beside the path. Our next stop was the Tomaree Lookout -- unfortunately, the weather had begun to deteriorate and the winds were very strong, so we had only a quick look and ... read more
Kangaroo with Joey
Red Bellied Black Snake
Wicked Weather

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales September 2nd 2014

September 2nd – After breakfast, we loaded into Judy and Mal’s new car (bought especially for their Canadian rellies visit – how kind) and went on a whirlwind tour of the communities near their home. My recollections of these places is a little sparse as I was still suffering the effects of jet lag. So these are the ‘Coles Notes’. We went through a number of small towns and villages with names like Seaham, Wallabong, Morpeth, Hinton and Dungog. Most of these communities began in the 1800’s and many of the buildings indicated the year they were built. In Dungog, we approached a lady sitting on the front steps of the theatre that was built in 1914 and asked if we might take a look inside. She kindly allowed us in and gave us a brief ... read more
Historic Church
Maitland mainstreet in the rain
"You Otta be in Pictures!"

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales September 2nd 2014

September 2 - Judy’s touch is evident throughout her home and around the property. Just steps from the back door is her studio – a veritable cornucopia of all things ‘art’! It is what I’ve always thought an artist studio should look like with paints, brushes, and bits and pieces that might someday be woven into a piece of art. The house with its large walls and 12’ ceilings provide Judy with a canvas to create. Bright, bold colors adorn the walls and provide wonderful backdrops to the numerous pieces of art that is thoughtfully displayed. Each piece has a story to tell (If only I had the many months I would need to hear them all!) I felt a sense of warmth, home, thoughtfulness and an ever-present sense of fun and whimsy – perfectly matching ... read more
Judy in her Realm
Judy at 'home'

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Paterson September 1st 2014

(Time & technology have delayed sending this post -- read: "Having too much fun!") August 30 - After spending 10 months planning for our trip, we arrived at the airport to find we needed a visa to get into Australia. Yikes!! Fortunately, they’re easy to get. It was, however, just a little disconcerting and heart-stopping. I couldn’t help thinking, “How did we miss this, and what else have we missed?” (I think every traveller has this thought, hopefull that's all it is.) August 31, 2014 – A day forever lost to us. (We figure we'll have a wake for it when we get home.) September 1 - Fifteen and a half hours later, we touched down in Sydney where we were greeted by David’s enthusiastic “rellies” – Judy and Mal. Judy is David's first cousin on ... read more
Valentia Lodge
The Billabong

North America » Canada » Alberta » Calgary August 29th 2014

Tomorrow we lift off!! Ten months ago David and I started planning a trip to the other side of the world! It feels a bit like a ball of string … at first it unwinds slowly … but near the end, it unravels quickly! This will be a very special trip not only because we will be going to see some incredible places, but also because we’ll be visiting some very special people. What will we do for six weeks? I know David will take some fabulous photos. And I hope to answer a few questions I’ve had since childhood like, “When we’re on the bottom of the world, will our feet stick, or will we fall off?” (I have some other questions, but I thought I’d start with the easy ones first.) I hope you ... read more

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