Page 3 of RedPlanetClaire Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Georgia » Tbilisi District September 23rd 2022

There’s a big, golden roof atop a Cathedral that can been seen from all over Old Tbilisi, so we had to go sooner or later. Today was the day. Following Google maps, we came across an underground walkway that had very good street art. This led to the pedestrian part of a road bridge that showcased winning images from the International Kolga Awards Exhibition. It was quite fascinating with signs in English explaining the background for each. Naturally the Holy Trinity Cathedral of Tbilisi was uphill, then a bunch of steps to boot. It’s rather new, having only been completed in 2004, so in pristine condition. At 87.1 metres high, 70.4 metres long and 64.7 metres wide, it’s one of the largest religious buildings in the world. Despite being free to get in, there weren’t many ... read more

Asia » Georgia » Western Georgia » Kutaisi September 21st 2022

Today has been my favourite day of the holiday, I know I said that yesterday, but today has surpassed it. It was a tour west again, this time to see mostly abandoned Soviet architecture in Chiatura, plus some unusual places of interest. Our wonderful guide was Sally, plus we had a driver and just two other tourists, a couple from Amsterdam, Hanukah and Sasha who were very interesting. As always, the traffic was bad in Tbilisi, this is because of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine resulting in 60,000 Russians moving to Georgia to get away from the war. It’s not just about avoiding fighting, but because all living conditions for the Russian people have vastly declined with the worldwide sanctions and their bank accounts are suspended. Georgia is a good place for them as it’s ... read more

Asia » Georgia » Western Georgia » Vardzia September 20th 2022

Today we headed west, a 600km round trip in a minibus with a bit too much aircon for my liking. But Glyn liked it. It was only a small group; a UK guy, a Germany lady, a couple from Russia and one Israeli guy. Our guide, Zuka is a very bubbly bloke from Tbilisi.Zuka told us all about the conflicts in the Causcasus area and how they differ. For example, the people of Russia, Ukraine, Georgia all mix without a problem as the conflict is political. Whereas the Armenians and Azerbaijanis hate each other, you couldn’t mix them on a tour together. When a foreign footballer went to play in Azerbaijan with his team, he wasn’t allowed in the country simply because he had an Armenian surname, he wasn’t even Armenian!Naturally Zuka talks about wine, you ... read more

Asia » Georgia » Tbilisi District September 19th 2022

Today was a relaxation day, one to recharge after all the recent day trips, ready for more tomorrow. Some years ago, I’d planned our itinerary for our self tour around Japan, ensuring not a minute was wasted. By the last few days, I was sitting in a park in Tokyo, absolutely exhausted and looking forward to the flight home so I could sit still for hours. It was awful feeling like that, when in a place as exciting as Tokyo, so since I’ve always tried to ensure we have chill days. It is meant to be a holiday after all! So no alarms were set and we didn’t leave the accommodation until around 10.30! It’s a nice enough place, but not somewhere we’d want to hang around at all day.My plan was too have a slow ... read more

Asia » Armenia » North » Alaverdi September 18th 2022

As Armenia isn’t that far from Tbilisi, we decided to go on a day trip there, as neither of us had visited it before. Our guide/driver, Irakli picked us up at around 9am, which goes to show how close it is because of the late start! Irakli explained that there’s a lot of animosity between Georgians and Armenians due to culture clashes and nationalism. People love their own country so much, they believe that’s it’s the best at everything and have disdain for others. That sounded VERY familiar! His father in law for example refused to try Armenian brandy, but our driver convinced him to try a sip and little by little, he drunk it. Now our driver says that though Georgian wine is better, Armenian brandy is superior. It took him all night to get ... read more

Asia » Georgia » Northern Georgia September 17th 2022

Today we had a self proclaimed friendly guide, Gorba and a very safe driver, Archie who can speak English but chooses not to. Koba certainly was very friendly and talkative. He also is an artist and created drawings for each of us whilst in the moving vehicle. We may laugh now, but in 10 years they’ll be worth €300 each. Our vehicle for the day was an 8 seater 4-wheel drive and we certainly needed it when later we were off road in the Causcasus mountains. The other tourists were Pavel from Poland, Alex from Russia and a couple I thought were from the UK, but it turned out that the guy only sounded English but was from India. Gorba was quick to point out that we’re all friends and that no one was responsible for ... read more

Asia » Georgia » Eastern Georgia » Kakheti September 16th 2022

Today was a later start and we didn’t have to meet our guides until 8.15am, so what a lie in. We were first to arrive at Europe Square (that’s actually a roundabout) and met a guide AND a driver. We are going up in the world!The vehicle was an 8 seater that we shared with George from Italy, Christine from Switzerland (the third single female traveller I’ve met here) and two people from Germany, they may have been mother and son. Things of note that I’ve learned today is that scenes from the 9th Fast and Furious film were filmed in Georgia: the bits that they wanted to look like Russia. I’ll not be surprised to find out that our driver from yesterday had a starring role.As noticed before, people get up late in Georgia and ... read more

Asia » Georgia » Western Georgia » Kutaisi September 15th 2022

Today was our second day trip and it started at 7am with a very different company than yesterday, the guide was more of a driver than guide. Apparently he has been a truck driver in Coventry, they must have given a collective sigh of relief when he left. There were only five tourists, so we were in a six seater car, one guy was in the front (Oleg), plus a couple who live in Dubai, the lady, Darli is from Burma and the guy from Algeria, I think his name is Mahmoud. Oleg and driver-guide were chatting in Russian, everyone in Georgia learns Russian and English in school and I think our driver-guide maybe skipped many of the English classes but turned up to Russian. The sun was shining as we drove through brown and green ... read more

Asia » Georgia » Southern Georgia » Gori September 14th 2022

What a day, I’ve learned so much about Georgia in the past plus current politics. I had to take notes! Today was our first trip outside of Tbilisi and Glyn had booked it online before we’d arrived. The meeting point was outside a metro station and we were the first to arrive. I heard Glyn talking to a lady with a recognisable accent, as she was from Manchester and on the same tour as us. The rain began to pour and we sheltered until we were directed to a nearby office where a few tours were to meet. Our guide was a very bubbly Georgian lady, 28 years old from Tbilisi, Catherine, who gathered us by shouting ‘Stalin is calling us’. We were a small group on a minibus, two blokes from Malaysia, a couple from ... read more

Asia » Georgia » Tbilisi District September 13th 2022

Having spent a lot of wedge on the 24 hour Hop On Hop Off bus yesterday, we were determined to do more hopping today before time ran out. We meant to get off at Rose Revolution Square (named after a recent revolution that spilled no blood) but it was unnoticeable and we got off somewhere on Kote Marjanishvili St, as it looked interesting. But it wasn’t that interesting, in fact we came across our first McDonalds. We had previously noted that there weren’t many American food chains in Tbilisi, but I guess the old town was the wrong area for that. However there’s lots of Georgian eateries in old town, which I hope means that’s what tourists want as opposed to the things they can get back home easily. Walking down to the Dry Bridge Market, ... read more
View of Tbilisi from Mtatsminda Park
Street art
Old buildings

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