Page 5 of MichaelnFaye Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Thailand January 16th 2008

Chiang Mai Once we’d crossed over the border from Laos, we jumped straight on a bus headed for Chiang Mai, which is sort of the northern capital. We headed there because we have fond memories of the city from a previous visit a few years ago, and we thought it would be a great place to spend Christmas, hopefully keeping us occupied for a few days so we wouldn’t dwell on the fact that we weren’t with family. While we were checking into our hotel, the receptionist asked us if we were going to the Sunday market that night as it was really good. I remember there being a night bazaar in the city so I asked if that was what she was talking about, but she just looked at me and said ‘trust me, this ... read more
Umbrellas display - Bo Sang
Doi Suthep - Chiang Mai
Bells at Doi Suthep - Chiang Mai

Asia » Laos December 23rd 2007

Vang Vieng From the Philippines we flew to Bangkok, where we only spent a couple of days catching up with friends who also happened to be in the city. It was great to see some familiar faces, and go beyond the usual where’ve you been, where you going next conversations that we usually only have time for with the majority of people we meet. From Bangkok we caught a bus up to Nong Khai near the Laos border, and crossed over with minimal hassle getting our Visas at the crossing, we then jumped on a Tuk Tuk the last few km to Vientiane, the capital of Laos. Over breakfast we decided to carry straight on to Vang Vieng, a backpacker mecca a few hours further north. We’d heard mixed reports about the place, some people said ... read more
Water buffalo in the river.
Ooooh, a really nice pig in a bag.

Asia » Philippines December 16th 2007

Once we landed at Kuala Lumpur, we transferred straight to the main terminal building to ask about flights as we had some choices to make. Our first choice was Japan, and after a few enquiries, we found out it’s the same price to get a return flight to Japan from here as it is from London, so we scratched that off the list. Our next choice was the Philippines, which would require a trip back to the LCCT (low cost carrier terminal) as that’s where all the budget airlines fly from. Instead we decided to spend a day or so in the city, and check for the best prices online. It didn’t take long before we had flights booked into Cebu (via Manila) and a return back to Bangkok for a couple of weeks later. ... read more
Moray Eel
Pink Anemone Fish
Tarsier - Bohol

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra November 24th 2007

Bukit Lawang We caught a short flight from Jakarta to Medan, northern Sumatra, cutting out long overland journey that would be required, but we did as most people do in Medan and passed straight through. We caught a public bus to our next destination, Bukit Lawang and the journey happened exactly as the guide book explained it would, starting with a friendly local asking us about ourselves. From there it turns out he’s going to the same destination and just so happens to be a guide for the trek we plan to do in the national park. Thankfully there was no hard sell, and in the end he introduced us to another guide, Eru who would take us into the forest. Once we were settled into our accommodation in the village we signed up for ... read more
Thomas Leaf Monkey - Bukit Lawang
Thomas Leaf Monkeys - Bukit Lawang

Asia » Indonesia » Java November 14th 2007

Gunung Bromo We arrived at the town of Probolinggo at 1:30 in the morning after 10 hours on the bus from Bali. At this time it would have been possible to continue straight on to Gunung Bromo (the whole point in us being here) to catch the sunrise but as we were both completely knackered from getting no sleep on the bus we decided we’d wait a day and do it the next morning, so we’d feel a little more refreshed and maybe more appreciative of what we were seeing. Our first task was to find somewhere to catch some shut eye, which wasn’t too much of a problem and then spent the rest of the day wandering round the town, still trying to get used to being an attraction in ourselves to the local people. ... read more
Gunung Bromo
Lotus - Bogor botanical gardens

Asia » Indonesia » Bali November 6th 2007

So here we are, the start of our Asian adventure, our true travel love. Thankfully we’ve chosen an entry destination that’s as touristy as it gets, easing us into the changes required to travel in a less ‘developed’ continent. Kuta/South Bali We started here, in South Bali, the throbbing beat of the island, where the majority of people stay to either catch a wave or chill on the beach. It’s a pretty exciting place, heavily overdeveloped with everything a visitor could ever need or want; we wandered around checking out the myriad of shops and getting overly excited by the incredibly low prices of things. We also spent some time on the beach, where I rented a board to go give the surf a try. It turns out I’m really not very good, I don’t have ... read more
Pura Ulu Watu
Pura Ulu Watu
Ubud Palace

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney October 28th 2007

This is a (very) short blog, just to say that we’ve made it to Sydney on time, actually with plenty of time to spare. On our way down the coast we stopped briefly in Byron Bay to have a look, and camped for a few days in the forest surrounding the city, gaining a few moments of peace before we spend two weeks in the big city. As soon as we arrived we got the van serviced, the wind screen replaced (damn Road Trains) and put an advert on Gumtree. While we waited for a call I visited the hospital for one of my regular check ups, to ensure I’m still healthy and free of cancer. Thankfully I am…. Yay!!!! I had to pay for the time with the consultant and all the tests and x-rays ... read more
The Opera House...
The Opera House...

Oceania » Australia » Queensland October 25th 2007

It’s been a while since I last ‘blogged’ and we’ve managed to rack up a whole heap of experiences since we crossed the border into Queensland from the Northern Territories, which means I’m getting hideously behind in my write ups. I’m going to change from my normal style of writing and list each experience/location/activity in separate subsections, making it much easier for me to write (remember), and hopefully better for you to read. Mt Isa A couple of hundred Km into Queensland, this was the first town we came across of any great size. It’s quite large, based primarily around a huge mine, rich in various metals, and attracts many people due to the job opportunities it creates. We were only stopping though to recharge, clean our clothes and generally enjoy a bit of civilisation, having ... read more
Rainforest Canopy
Green Tree Frog
Rainforests and Reef

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory September 10th 2007

After crossing over the border into the Northern Territories from Western Australia we headed straight up towards the Top End stopping briefly in Katherine to grab a sandwich. Our first stop was Lichfield National Park, a hundred or so Km south of Darwin famed for its waterfalls and crystal clear swimming holes. We entered the park and headed towards the first water hole, Buley Rockhole. We expected to come across a ranger station to pay the necessary park fees but it turned out the entire park was free, which was a bit of bonus. Buley Rockhole turned out to be a series of small waterfalls, each cascading into its own pool, some of which were quite shallow, but some were very deep, maybe 4m or more. Each was perfect for swimming in, due to the beautifully ... read more
Buley Rockhole - Lichfield National Park
Cathedral Termite Mound - Lichfield National Park
Mertons Water Monitor - Lichfield National Park

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia September 2nd 2007

After our jolly round the southwest, we spent a couple of days back in Perth with our surrogate family relishing all the comforts of home before the grand road trip starts. While we were in the city we decided to take a tour round Old Fremantle Prison, we hoped to do a spooky night time tour but they only run on certain days, but a day time tour would hopefully provide enough atmosphere to make it enjoyable. Building the prison was one of the first tasks for the convicts in the 1850’s and it operated as a maximum security prison until 1991. It was the last prison in Australia which still used a ‘slop’ bucket, instead of having a toilet in each cell and sanitation concerns was one of the main reasons it was closed down. ... read more
Fremantle Prison
Pinnacles Desert

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