Page 2 of Meechelle Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Mykonos July 29th 2011

Last day & night on Mykonos! We got up around 11:30am and headed straight to Paradise Beach to check it out since it is the most famous beach on Mykonos. It was actually pretty challenging to find Paradise Beach, the signs were a little inconsistent at the intersections and we had a couple of wrong turns that took us at least 20 minutes out of our way. We finally stopped and asked directions and made it down to the correct beach. Basically Mykonos is a big hill that sticks up out of the ocean (as a lot of islands are I’m sure) and due to the folds of the valleys and indentations of the shore line there isn’t a way to circumnavigate the island. To go from one beach to the next you must go back ... read more
Driving on Mykonos
Paradise Beach Mykonos
Paradise Beach Mykonos

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Mykonos July 28th 2011

Oh boy I was now definitely really sick. I felt miserable all night coughing incessantly and my sinuses felt like they were going to explode. At 7:30am Steve and I got up got some breakfast and drove to the pharmacy to get some cold medicine for me. We were waiting outside along with several other people when the pharmacist showed up and opened up the store. She recommended several different cold remedies and a whole bag of medicine only cost 11€s! We went back to the hotel and I took some of each, the cough syrup, decongestant and cough tablet and Steve and I went back to bed until noon-ish. Rachel had gone to the hotel pool while we slept so we joined her there. I was hungry so I ordered a club sandwich from the ... read more
Pool area - Princess of Mykonos
Princess of Mykonos
Pincess of Mykonos - Kapari

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Mykonos July 27th 2011

So I got up at 8:30 and had breakfast with Steve, did some photo transfers from the cameras (this will turn out to be important soon) and video camera onto my laptop and backed everything up to Steve’s external hard drive. Steve and Rachel went to sleep and I went down to the lobby to meet the rental car agent at 10am. We ended up with a blue Chevrolet Matiz, it was tiny and had a 0.8 liter engine!! The agent told me we might have to turn the A/C off going up steep hills with all 3 of us in the car. Okaaay. I decided to do some exploring while Steve and Rachel caught some z’s and first went get some gas. I put 20€s in and should have known that would be way more ... read more

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Ios July 26th 2011

Ugh we dragged ourselves up at 10:30am after only a couple hours of sleep to pack and check out of our gorgeous hotel. Reception held our luggage and since our ferry wasn’t until 5:00pm-ish we spent most of the day at the hotel pool getting some sun and floating in the pool. This is about when I started to really feel like I was getting a cold so Steve went and ordered me a vitamin C drink from the upper pool juice bar. It was terrible! I got the lower pool bar to remake it for me and it was much better. It had bananas, apples and kiwis in it. I let George know the first one was so bad it was undrinkable and he was not happy. I for one was really exhausted and tried ... read more
Ios Palace Hotel - one last look
Me floating in the pool
Ios Port

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Ios July 25th 2011

We didn’t want to waste the day sleeping again so we set the alarm for 10am and actually got up at 11am. Not too bad! We headed to the beach in front of the Far Out Club. Steve was hoping it would be busier there and it was a little bit but not crazy like he hoped. Also the Meltemi boat rental place put all their kayaks in front of us completely blocking our access to the water. The water was much rougher down this end of the beach and the waves had everything churned up. The water’s edge was sandy up to about knee depth then it was really rocky and that made it hard to get in and out of the water. We stayed at the beach until about 4:30 then went back to ... read more
Ios Chora
Ios Chora Windmill

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Ios July 24th 2011

Holy crap we slept in until 2:30pm! After we finally dragged ourselves up, we went to the upper pool and talked to a couple from Melbourne who was on a five week holiday – I’m jealous again! After a bit we went down to the beach and bought two floats to use in the ocean. We sat on the end of the beach right near the hotel, the water was calm and the water’s edge was nice and sandy as far out as you could walk. Steve and I took a walk all the way down the street to the Far Out Club and on the way saw a really cool restaurant covered with camouflage netting. It had hammocks and couches to sit on and raised platform tents. We decided we should go back there for ... read more
Karma Beach Bar
Rachel & me
Steve at the Red Bull Bar

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Ios July 23rd 2011

We were up at 4:45am to get our transfer at 5:30am to the ferry at Piraeus port. Our ferry was Highspeed 6 and was at 7am. It’s always a huge pain in the ass to get on the ferry with a bunch of luggage, but we had no other choice but to bring it all with us to the islands. I think if I did it again I would pack much, much less stuff. We left our large bags down in the auto garage luggage storage area and headed up to our assigned seats. Poor Rachael got stuck next to an annoying guy who hogged more than his share of space. The ferry took about three and a half hours to get to Ios arriving about 10:30ish. Our transfer/agent was waiting for us when we arrived. ... read more
Piraeus Port
Piraeus Port
Ios Palace lower pool

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens July 22nd 2011

Up by Noon! Oh boy not a good trend!! We decided to have an easy day since we were going to visit with the Marias tonight and still had to pack so we could be downstairs for our transfer to the ferry by 5:30am in the morning. But Steve did get up around 8:30am to run the dirty laundry over to the Laundromat so we could get it back by 5pm. When we left the hotel we walked to Psirri to get some bougatsa and crepes for breakfast. On the way back Rachel made an appointment to get a pedicure at 4:30 since she thought the spa one she got at home was so awful. We also tried to find the custom hat maker that I saw on Matt Barrett’s website, but she had gone out ... read more
Typical Greece Convenience Store
Church in the middle of Ernou Street
Casualty of the 'riots'

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens July 21st 2011

So much for an early start before it got too hot out, slept in again – Damn! First up today was Hadrian’s Library. It was really hot out again so we took it slow and walked around the ruins taking loads of photos. Hadrian’s Library was built by Roman Emperor Hadrian in AD 132 on the north side of the Acropolis of Athens. The most important monuments of the site are: - Quatrefoil Building. The building with the four apses, dated to the 5th century A.D., an Early Christian church - Church of Megale Panaghia. The first church was a three-aisled basilica, built in the 7th century A.D. on the ruins of the quatrefoil building which had been destroyed in the 6th century A.D. The basilica was in its turn destroyed in the 11th century A.D. ... read more
Monastiraki Square
Hadrian's Library
Hadrian's Library

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens July 20th 2011

Well we meant to get up early to head out, but slept until 11am when Papous called and woke us up! Damn!! Sooo then we missed breakfast too! Argh. We first walked over to Monastiraki Square and bought hats, well Rachel and I did because the sun was blistering hot. We then headed out by Metro to Syntagma Square to the Vodaphone store for some minutes for my European unlocked cell phone. I knew it would come in handy again. Then we walked across the square to the Parliament building and watched the Evzones changing of the guard in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Rachel and I posed with the Evzone on the left, but Steve passed on the opportunity. We also got some video of the ceremonial changing of position which was ... read more
Syntagma Square

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