Page 21 of LivingTheDream Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Lithuania » Siauliai April 21st 2008

(Day 17 on the road)After Vilnius, I went to see one of the most inspiring sites in Lithuania: The Hill of Crosses. Situated near the city of Šiauliai (pronounced shoo-lay, sounds a bit Asian to me) in the north of the country, the hill houses more than 50.000 (!) crosses. The tradition of placing crosses here dates way back (around the 14th century) and today is the finest example of Lithuanian defiance of foreign invaders. After the second World War, Lithuania was of course part of the Soviet Union. During the Soviet era, the pilgrimage to the Hill of Crosses served as a vital expression of Lithuanian nationalism and Christianity, which the Soviets were of course not keen on either. The Soviets thus repeatedly removed the crosses by levelling the hill and burning the crosses. However, ... read more
Hill of Crosses
Hill of Crosses

Europe » Lithuania » Vilnius April 19th 2008

(Day 15 on the road)"Whats your mission on your travels?" That was the question I was asked by two girls I went out for dinner with on my last night in Vilnius. Well, a very good question indeed - what was my mission? Travel round the world walking backwards, or only using female donkeys as the preferred method of transportation, or taking a picture of every person I meet that was wearing pink sandals? To be honest, I don't have a mission. My only idea for the beginning of this trip is that I want to reach China by traveling overland. I feel this will give a more gradual start than if I stepped on a plane in Europe and got off in crazy Beijing, Manila, or Delhi. Apart from that, it's just me traveling as ... read more
Gate of Dawn
Vilnius at night
Trakai Island Castle

Europe » Lithuania » Klaipeda April 16th 2008

(Day 12 on the road)From Berlin I took the train up to the island of Ruegen in the north of Germany, and from there I caught a ferry to Klaipeda in Lithuania. The ferry ride was smooth. The only time a bit of action arose when I decided to burn a piece of paper in my cabin. The crew of the vessel were not amused at all about this, as I soon found out when about seven crew-members appeared outside my door :-) After mediterranean Antalya and hip Berlin, Klaipeda was somewhat of an anticlimax. The guidebook I was reading called it a "grim" city, and this fits it very well. Apart from the small yet pretty old city center, there was nothing really that caught my eye. So after a visit to the rather famous ... read more
Hello Lithuania
Simon Dach Statue in Klaipeda
The Curonian Spit

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin April 13th 2008

(Day 9 on the road)Today was my very last day in Berlin. After returning from trekking in Turkey I stopped by in Berlin again to say a final good-bye to my friends there. We had a fantastic evening, which turned rather sad when it was time to part ways. It was great evening - thanks to all you guys! Next stop: Klaipeda (Lithuania). To view my photos, have a look at And to read the full account of my journey, have a look at the complete book about my trip at Amazon (and most other online book shops). ... read more
My belongings for the next year or so

Middle East » Turkey » Mediterranean » Antalya April 12th 2008

(Day 8 on the road)The start to my travels was just fabulous. It began with a week of trekking with my very good friend Tino in the Turkish region of Lycia, a bit westwards of Antalya. We flew into Antalya and then took a bus to a city called Kas (about 4h west of Antalya by bus), from where we walked back to Antalya - well at least part of the way. The Lycian Way is a 500km trekking-path around the coast of Lycia in southern Turkey (from Fethiye to Antalya). It is not very famous yet, which only adds to the beauty of it! I am sure it will become much more popular a the word spreads. If you want to read more about the walk, have a look at . In the 6 days ... read more
Our tent
Getting water
Oranges - as much as you want!

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin March 20th 2008

(16 days until departure)Well, I guess that was that - the last day at work had finally arrived. What seemed like eternity back in January when I quit my job actually happened quite fast. Leaving the company after almost five years was much harder than I had expected, and I will certainly miss it all! My boss held a very nice and well prepared speech - the part I liked the best was: "When I offered Ben the job, I told him that it would involve a lot of travelling across Europe. But apparently that was not enough for him, so now he is off to explore the world". Anyway, too late to revert that decision now. New things lie ahead! My last two weeks in Germany have thus begun. I will be selling most of ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin January 7th 2008

(89 days until departure)The first step has been made - I just gave notice to my company that I am quitting my job. After almost five years in the company, I have finally done it. I really like my job and my colleagues, but now having taken that final step feels very good! My last day at work will be the 20st of March, roughly three months from now. I can' wait for this adventure to start... To view my photos, have a look at And to read the full account of my journey, have a look at the complete book about my trip at Amazon (and most other online book shops). ... read more

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