Page 3 of D MJ Binkley Travel Blog Posts

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago February 19th 2023

Being February, summer has arrived in South America. It is hot, dry and the wildfires are burning rampantly in the southern part of Chile. A haze of smoke fills the air and as we fly in from Rapa Nui. The views are masked… few mountain tops can be seen. Sad because this normally would quite scenic. But, it’s summer…. We spent a couple of days in Santiago before and after our trip to Rapa Nui and a couple of days in Valparaíso before our visit to the desert. Both cities are worth a visit, but each can easily be explored in two days. Santiago is the grand jumping off point in this part of the world. The airport is modern and flights from all places land here. Almost all destinations in Chile reached by air depart ... read more
Piano Stairs
Scenic Valparaíso
Music in local Restaurants

South America » Chile » Atacama February 17th 2023

As said in Firesign Theatre.... it's the stinking desert! There are those of us who prefer the verdant greens, the lush vegetation, abundant colorful flowers, and a plethora of animal life. While we have come to enjoy these types of venues, we also love to admire the desolate, bleak, stark and wind-swept environs of the desert. This seemingly inhospitable environment possesses its own beauty but displays it differently. Sunrise and sunset are particularly enjoyable. Now, this is one dry desert. Wait….what does that mean? Well, technically by definition a desert is an area of land that receives less than 10 inches (25cm) of rain per year. Pretty dry, yeah? Well, the Atacama is the second driest desert in the world, bested only by a patch of land in Antarctica. The Atacama Desert is the result of ... read more
We love Flamingos!
Atacama Desert Beauty
A Geologist's Happy Place

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa February 9th 2023

A note from Merry Jo: As children we see things that leave an impact on us for life. Our imaginations can run wild after seeing a photograph or hearing a story. How we process that information depends on our creative side and the imagery created with our minds. I remember very distinctly sitting on the floor of the den in my childhood home five decades ago looking at multiple National Geographic magazines. One that stood out featured photos of the carved stones on Rapa Nui often referred to as Easter Island. I knew someday I would arrive in this mysterious land that is isolated from the world. To get there you fly to Santiago, Chile and then fly 2200 miles (5 hours) over the ocean to this remote island. As I walked down the airplane staircase ... read more
Standing Tall
Amazing Maoi statues
15 Moai Statues

South America » Colombia » Cartagena December 7th 2022

A relatively short flight took us to Santa Marta, the first Spanish settlement in Columbia and the second oldest in South America, where we were met by our guide for the hour plus drive to our next stop, a lodge just outside Tayrona National Park. Colombia has some 59 national parks, which makes up about 14% of the total area in this diverse country, which is impressive. Of course, you are going to need a fair amount of space to support all the flora and fauna this country has to offer. We arrived after dark and after checking in, made our way across a small pedestrian suspension bridge to our room. Luckily, we had someone take our luggage as the first time you traverse the swinging bridge, it can challenge your sense of balance. The lodge ... read more
View of Tayrona National Park
Vibrant birds all around
Locals wanting tips for posing

South America » Colombia » Medellin November 10th 2022

Plans often change as many of us have realized throughout our travels. The plan looks good and appeared to be manageable….but then….the universe strikes. For us it was our route to Medellín. As we were driving from the airport in Pereira on our way to coffee country, our guide mentioned that the route to Medellín could take up to 20 hours.What?.... how can that be? We were to be driven there in a few days. It would normally take about six hours, but apparently some truck drivers are quite upset about increases in fuel costs by the government and have taken to blocking the main highway to Medellín. The thought of spending 20 hours in a car wasn’t a pleasant one, so we contacted our fixer and they put us on a one-hour flight from Pereira ... read more
Guatupé, Colombia
Botero Statues
So much death and chaos

South America » Colombia » Quindío » Quimbaya November 7th 2022

In Search of Juan Valdez After the hustle and bustle of Bogota, it was time for something completely different…a trip to the countryside to embrace the flora, fauna and famous coffee of Columbia. This beautiful nation offers an endless supply of birds, butterflies, flowers and trees. In Colombia, you will see things you cannot see other places as this is one of the most diverse countries out there. Think we might be exaggerating just a bit…well…try these statistics on for size. For a nation about the size of Portugal, Spain and France combined, Colombia has over 1800 species of birds, 470 species of mammals, 520 species of reptiles and more than 750 species of amphibians. And to boot, 10 percent of the world’s plant species grow here as well. That….is impressive. And then of course, there ... read more
Dave grinding our harvested beans
Merry Jo picking some beans
Possibly a Goldfinch

South America » Colombia » Bogota November 4th 2022

Off to Bogota….with a few challenges There are many instances when we are sitting in our comfortable chairs at home talking about future travel. Needless to say, these conversations include quite a bit of real estate given the fact that we both have more free time these days. After a bit of back and forth over time, we were considering a few South American countries. Given our home location, South America is not difficult to reach, either by time or distance. In the end, Colombia beat the other choices out because we were able to grab an airline ticket for $359 each round trip. For travel perspective, flying to Bogota was about 3 ½ hours. It takes over five to fly to Seattle….you get the point. We checked in for our flight 24 hours prior to ... read more
Colorful Street Art
Modern City View
Scenic Walk at Monserrate

Newfoundland gives one a sense of calmness and serenity. The easternmost Canadian province has soft winding roads with one stunning vista after another. Even though we had studied what we might find once we arrived, we were surprised by the number of lakes, streams and rivers. We’d call it "the land of 10,000 lakes" but Minnesota already has taken that name. Acres of trees landscape your drive, so many in fact that we decided to look up the abundant varieties in these dense green forested areas. They include many birch trees along with black spruce, white spruce, junipers, white pine and balsam firs. Seems the white pines were heavily harvested for use as sawlogs and ship masts at the turn of the 20th century. This and an infestation wreaked havoc with the species, but they are ... read more
Terra Nova River
We love puffins!
Long Point Lighthouse

Europe » France » St-Pierre et Miquelon August 24th 2022

More than a few months back while planning this voyage to Canada, Merry Jo remarked that while in Newfoundland there existed a possibility to visit France…..say what? Seems that off the west coast of Newfoundland there are the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon, which are a self-governing territorial overseas collectivity of France—so says Wikipedia. In common parlance, although you are in Canada, you can take a one-and-a-half-hour ferry ride and find yourself in a place where the primary language is French, the euro is the main currency and, in our case, where the food was fantastic. More on that later…. As a side note, for those of you really paying attention, you'll note that this blog entry is from is, but the physical location is in North America...well, we ... read more
Right turn to France
Does anybody really know what time it is?
Merry Jo in her the water

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Yarmouth August 14th 2022

Cheticamp Upon departing Prince Edward Island, we again crossed the Confederation Bridge into Nova Scotia where we stopped for a few more photos. It is a beautiful piece of concrete. They will be paying off this bridge for a while….at over $50 Canadian per vehicle maybe it won’t take that long. So, we took our fair share of pictures and then some more. Perhaps better planning would have had us taking the ferry and perhaps shaving some time, but by the time we realized this, there were no reservations to be had on the ferry at a time of our choosing. Pushing on, it would be several hours until we reached our next destination, Cheticamp, a town at the base of the Cabot Trail in the Cape Breton National Park. Once we checked into our motel, ... read more
Scenic Cottages
Waterfront Lunenburg
Beer & Lobster

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