The Train to Busan & on to Jeju Island Korea

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February 28th 2024
Published: March 10th 2024
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Busan SkylineBusan SkylineBusan Skyline

From the War Memorial
Our third and final South Korea blog comes to you from the southern coastal town of Busan and the Island of Jeju. If you missed our two previous blogs, they are here for you to take a look.

Seoul Searching in South Korea

Savoring Seoul, Music and the Spa

After the fantastic experience that was Seoul, we left that amazing city riding in the first-class cabin of the train out of Seoul Station. No surprise that it is very comfortable and provides a lot of room for luggage. Koreans seem to know how to do public transport well. We enjoyed our two-and-a-half-hour ride along the interior of the country. In South Korea, they do not allow you to eat or drink in most of the train but in first class we discovered it was allowed. You can bring food on with you which in retrospect is what we should have done. They did provide bottled water and a tiny snack package… that was not enough.

Upon arrival, we took the escalator up to the main level and headed for the taxi stand. Jumping in, we gave the address to the driver, who put it in and immediately realized something was amiss…turns out that our hotel was
Tandori chicken wingsTandori chicken wingsTandori chicken wings

Local Indian food in Busan.
right across the street from the station! We consider ourselves experienced travelers, but this gave us a really good laugh, as neither of us bothered to check where our hotel was located in relation to the train station. We just assumed that we needed transport in thirty something-degree weather. We then jumped out of the cab, gave him some money, collected our luggage and headed across the street…..still chuckling. After checking in to our hotel we headed out in search of an early dinner as the snack on the train was less than generous.

Busan is a port town of 3 million on the southeastern coast of the country known for its scenic boardwalks and shopping. After spending time in Seoul, it felt like a village. Our hotel was located near the section of town called “Chinatown”. So of course, we enjoyed some Indian food for dinner. It was delightful. It sounds crazy eating Indian food in Chinatown in Busan, Korea, but we arrived at an odd afternoon hour when most restaurants had completed lunch service. After our meal we enjoyed wandering Chinatown, enjoying the architecture and the surrounding area. On our first evening, we straightened and repacked our
Orchids AboundOrchids AboundOrchids Abound

at the airport
bags to ease the next few days. On our longer trips, you need to reset your packing once in a while.

As we left Seoul, our friend Denise was getting a cold and sadly to say, MJ was starting to get a stuffy head. She took some meds, a hot shower and hit the bed early. The next day we were up early and took the hop on hop off bus around the city enjoying the sights. We stopped and spent a good bit of time at the Korean War Memorial Cemetery. Well worth the time to stop and honor the fallen as this was well done and offered lovely views of the city of Busan. We continued our hop on hop off bus the rest of the day enjoying the city sights and beaches. Busan is a well-appointed town.

Even with MJ’s head cold we enjoyed our time in Busan and after the hop on hop off bus felt we’d seen all that we really wanted to see. She’s hasn’t had a cold in a couple of years but was hit hard with this one. When you get older, those darn viruses can be tough to deal
Train to BusanTrain to BusanTrain to Busan

Seoul to Busan

Our next day found us flying to Jeju Island on Tiger Air. Our hotel was centrally located in JeJu City with a great view of the airport runways. Our perch provided us entertainment during our stay. We had read that the Seoul to Jeju City air route was one of the busiest in the world. All we can say is that for a smaller island off the coast of South Korean, there was quite a bit of air traffic.

With guidance from the front desk of our hotel we had a list of local restaurants worth trying and found ourselves with a platter full of chicken and chips. It was a good meal in a cozy little shop, but not nearly as good as the one we had in Seoul with Denise and Galen…. It did not compare. Our hotel was situated in a cute area with lots of restaurants and convenience stores.

The next day we were up early and navigating the coastal road that takes you around Jeju Island. We had rented a car as public transportation on the island would not have allowed us to explore like we would like. We had read
Riding the railsRiding the railsRiding the rails

1st class.
about the Woodstock Café in a beach town with good view and set out in search. We found it without difficulty, but were disappointed it was closed for the season, at least that is the way it looked. We enjoyed the beach and taking a few photos. The entire town was pretty much shut down – which was what we discovered in a couple of other beach towns we visited. There are occasional disadvantages to traveling off season, and this is one of them.

The roads on Jeju are in good shape and our rental car came with an English-speaking navigation so we were all set. Jeju is much warmer and greener than the other locations we’ve been visiting due to its southern location. It was nice to enjoy temperatures in the mid 50’s. Jeju is known for its stunning volcanic landscape, waterfalls, white sand beaches and abundant citrus fruit and other produce.

Jeju is also known for its women clam divers, and we were disappointed they were not diving the days we were on the island. They have been free diving for centuries and thought it would be fascinating to see. We were able to find the location where they dive and that will have to suffice as we are unlikely to go back to Jeju Island. We spent a fair amount of time just trying to locate where they dive, but it’s not like there’s a sign that says, “Here are the famous Woman Divers of Jeju.” We stopped more than a few times and talked (well, sort of) with locals before we realized that in February on colder days, they were not diving….disappointing, but that’s the way it goes sometimes.

The next day we had planned a day trip to the interior of the island to enjoy the citrus trees and check out the volcano. Late in the day MJ’s cold had intensified on this day, so we headed back to the hotel to provide her with some much-needed rest. She’s a real trooper, but the day’s activities had worn her out. Dave went out and picked up some supplies for an in-room dinner and we called it an evening. She slept the next 26 hours. It is silly that we wanted to see the citrus growing as we live in Florida and can see it any time but on Jeju the oranges are
Jeju City ViewJeju City ViewJeju City View

Amazing clouds
ripe in February and we were intrigued by the photos of the fruit with snow on them. Dave was kind enough to run to the market and buy a few tangerines or we could sample the local fruit.

The next day, we returned our rental and hopped on a plane to our next destination….Taipei.

Additional photos below
Photos: 24, Displayed: 24


Flights take off in JejuFlights take off in Jeju
Flights take off in Jeju

View from our hotel
Amazing bridges in BusanAmazing bridges in Busan
Amazing bridges in Busan

We were not able to capture it but this one curled in a complete circle. It was rather amazing.
View of downtown BusanView of downtown Busan
View of downtown Busan

On a cloudy winter day
Statues and FlagsStatues and Flags
Statues and Flags

War Memorial Busan
Filling the gas tankFilling the gas tank
Filling the gas tank

Not as easy as it looks
Attempting to read KoreanAttempting to read Korean
Attempting to read Korean

Gave up and asked the guy next to us for assistance.
Fun in JejuFun in Jeju
Fun in Jeju

The Woodstock Cafe

10th March 2024

Great Korean trip.
Did you consider renting a car and driving around the mainland? On our recent trip, Khadija picked up a sinus infection & couldn’t shake it. She had to have antibiotics prescribed when we returned.
10th March 2024

Great Korean trip
We consider renting a car in most countries. I can't tell you how many places Dave has driven. We want to use the train as much as we can on this trip as their train system is so superior to most countries. Plus Dave gets to see more when he isn't driving. Thank you for following along.
10th March 2024

"Train To Busan"
Meet up with any Zombies on the train, lol!
10th March 2024

Train to Busan
We kept our eyes out but no zombies!
10th March 2024
These statues were in front of our hotel

Doing an Abbey Rd?
Looks like they are doing a local version of the Beatles crossing Abbey Rd. /Ake
10th March 2024
These statues were in front of our hotel

Doing an Abbey Rd?
You are right. I had not considered that. Crazy but cute.
10th March 2024

Look like this island was a good place for the extra rest due to MJ’s cold. Not too much missed based on season. Hope you are much better now!
10th March 2024

Fortunately, I'm back to 100%. I lost an entire day to my head cold but Dave enjoyed watching the airplanes take off and land. It all worked out. On long trips I usually lose one or two days to some sort of illness. Oh well.
11th March 2024

Glad to hear that you have recouperated from your cold! We caught ours upon returning from our cruise.
11th March 2024

I'd prefer to have it after the trip. I'm glad you are feeling better.
17th March 2024

Busan and Jeju
Oh no, sorry to hear about Merry's cold - not fun when you're travelling... The hop-on hop-off bus tour sounds a great way to explore Busan, such a spread-out city. So glad you got to go to Jeju, as I wasn't able to fit this into my trip. Indeed, travelling in the off-season has its cons as well as pros. Glad at least to read you were able to try the local tangerines.
17th March 2024

Busan and Jeju
On a long trip of six weeks or more I usually suffer some illness. It slowed me down but didn't stop me for long. On limited time it is always difficult to decide what to see and what to leave out. I'm glad we had a couple of days exploring before I needed to rest. We liked the vibe on Jeju.
18th May 2024

South Korea
It is indeed terrible when you get sick on holidays - Issy's only had COVID twice, once in Greece and once in Canada! I think I'd read somewhere about the route between Seoul and some little island I'd never heard of was one of the world's busiest. Must be busy in season!
18th May 2024

South Korea
Yes, we went to Jeju Island. Check out the other blog. Hopefully, I will be healthy on our next trip.

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