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March 13th 2014
Published: March 13th 2014
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Armed with a DSLR and decked with a tripod, off we went to Marina Bay Sands in the pretense of being tourists amongst many others. We wanted to catch the iLights exhibition at the Marina Bay area but the night turned out to offer much much more.

As soon as we stepped out of the train station, we were approached to complete tourism surveys. Ah hah, mistaken as tourists? Mission accomplished! Having not been to this part of MBS, the feeling was pretty much that of being in a foreign land anyway. Amazement at some of the marvellous man-made creations; Exclamations at the beauty of the riverside; Scrambling for shots with the imposing backdrop of towering buildings against dusking skyline.

It was a timely visit, with Pasarbella having an outdoor market right outside the Sands. Food can be purchased at the various stalls in an outdoor setting, not unlike those that they have in Europe. It felt pretty much like it! We ordered Omakase burger and chips and sat facing the river. The atmosphere was superb with live music and before we knew it, the deck by the riverside was packed with people. Night lights from the buildings soon came on, and the whole place felt ever more alive.

Apparently there is the WonderFull Light show going on here every night (but strangely enough, we as Singaporeans just have no clue about!) and we were just at the right place and time to catch it in full view. Being a huge fan of lights, Steph was of course, blown away by the array on offer. The water transformed into different scenes of images amongst the dancing fountains, accompanied by music and songs. It was impressive!

The trusty camera got onto more work after dinner, with lovely shots of the night scene, capturing the Helix bridge, Art and Science Museum, the financial towers across the river and of course the Marina Bay Sands itself. The night became increasingly surreal as we continue to stroll along the bridge across towards the Esplanade. Somehow, we never really knew that our home, Singapore, can be this amazingly beautiful. Perhaps its because we have always viewed the night scene from the other side of the river. And that we are sort of fixated as to how Singapore's skyline is like. However, when we look at the same things from another angle, different outcomes can often surprise us too!

As we got onto the other end of the bridge, buying a $1 pushcart ice-cream along the way, something strangely memorable happened. We casually talked to 2 Belgian staying in Marine Bay Sands and within 5 minutes, they simply offered to bring us up to the infinity pool! For foreigners, coming to this country more often than not implies staying in MBS and stepping into the much-hyped infinity pool. But for the average Singaporean, going up to the pool is rare and we definitely belong to that category. It was simply amazing how friendly and nice they (Christopher and cousin) were as we happily chatted and made our way back to MBS. We attributed it to fate really, that we met 2 fabulous persons from the other end of the globe and were on their first ever visit to Singapore. It was fated that we could meet each other, get along well to exchange numbers and hopefully meet one another somehow somewhere someday. More than the 'tour' around the infinity pool, we thought we really gained much more in terms of the kindness in humanity and just being nice to fellow mankind 😊
With ChristopherWith ChristopherWith Christopher

together with his cousin, are 2 amazing souls. Glad we met :)

We spent close to an hour before bidding our goodbyes and headed home after that. Wow, we never felt more like tourists at home as we did tonight! Still utterly amazed at how events turned out. Well, the bad thing is: we didn't catch much of the intended iLights exhibition… But the good thing is: thankfully, we can always "travel" back here again next time :D

Additional photos below
Photos: 21, Displayed: 21


13th March 2014

"Food can be purchased at the various stalls in an outdoor setting, not unlike those that they have in Europe."
And I thought eating from stalls in an outdoor setting originated in Asia! Your next tour should be to Singapore's Chinatown.
14th March 2014

cool night!
Singapore looks like a city from the future! You're lucky to live there. I hope you can show us more soon! Thanks for sharing!

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