Melaka, where Chicken Rice Balls await!

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December 9th 2012
Published: January 6th 2013
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Street buzzing with touristsStreet buzzing with touristsStreet buzzing with tourists

The red-brick walls
Headed down for a short weekend gateway with my loved one, just a short 6 hours bus journey from Singapore. Stayed near the riverside and the iconic Jonker street, which we basically spent most of our time wandering around and looking for interesting things to get. Managed to try the 'legendary' chicken rice balls in which Malacca is famous for. Well, it is definitely within expectations, especially for a chicken-rice-lover like me, though I have heard friends who aren't impressed by the standards. But any stall along jonker street will bring you a decent plate that will make your lunch/dinner more than filling. A thing to note though, by 6pm-ish, the stalls that open during the day starts to close and pushcarts and night stalls started sprawling out from seemingly nowhere (lol) and before we knew it, it became more like a night-street shopping (similar to a pasar malam in Singapore). It was unbearingly crowded near 8pm, though we were lucky enough to have a good spot to watch the famous Kung Fu Master Ho, who was performing, piercing through coconuts with his index finger. Not kidding, it was pretty shocking to watch initially but he definitely did wow many of
The riversideThe riversideThe riverside

Scenic place to relax and enjoy the afternoon/evening coffee
us in the crowd, us included. We chanced upon his performance by the way, only to realize that his performance is pretty famous along Jonker street, and even worldwide.

Walking along the riverside has got to be the most relaxing thing (as compared to squeezing alongside rowdy crowds) and we took in the scenery of the river both in the day and at night. Had a good brunch along the riverside (local food!) before heading back to Singapore. It was a relaxing short yet fulfilling trip 😊


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