Day 3 - Fruit Farm and Back to SG

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Asia » Malaysia » Johor » Desaru
July 24th 2022
Published: March 8th 2023
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Day 3 (24/7/2022)

Found another coffee shop for breakfast. This coffee shop was more crowded than the previous one and served more local food. Food was not too bad too.

After breakfast, we checked out of our Airbnb and head towards the Desaru fruit farm.

Once we reached, we had to pay for the ticket and get our queue number to board a truck to the fruit farm. While waiting, we walked around the gift shop, trying out some of the dried fruits. The truck drove us to the entrance of the orchard. There was already a guide explaining to a family before us when we reached. However, we were left to explore the orchard on our own. Nothing fanciful. We then reached a koi pond where we could buy some fish food to feed the fishes. We bought a packet since A liked to feed animals. After that, we walked towards the petting farm. There was rabbits, many farm birds and goats. We didn't stay long as it started to rain. We had to wait under the shelter while waiting for the truck to bring us back. We then collected our free fruits box that was part of the ticket.

We then started our journey back to Johor. We stopped by an Western restaurant for our lunch before we head to the custom.


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