Offroad trip at Pangandaran Beach

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December 29th 2020
Published: December 29th 2020
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Covid 19 had forced us to look for outdoor activities, and during one of the long weekends, I and my friends decided to explore Pangandaran. Located on the Southern Coastal of West Java, Pangandaran is located in Ciamis Regency, accessible via Tasikmalaya from Jakarta. Anticipating heavy traffic at the Tasikmalaya – Pangandaran route, we decided to go through Garut instead. Little that we knew we had opted for a longer route going through miles of tea plantations and curvy roads along Mount Cikuray. Indeed, it was scenic but lengthened the trip to by four hours!

By the time we were about to reach Batu Karas a few hours before midnight, we had a flat tire. Thankfully, we had a hand from a youngman in the neighborhood who was helpful in getting our tire replaced. One and half an hour later, drained from the long drive, we reached our accommodation, Java Cove, at Batukarang beach. Batu Karang is a popular Bay Area which are frequently visited by the locals during weekend.

Avoiding the crowds, we decided to visit the famous Green Canyon, and to our disappointment, it was closed due to the high level of water during rainy season. The turquoise blue water turned caramel brown color during rainy season. We then visited Citumang, another famous site for river tubing activities. Whilst it was open for visitors, the water flow was heavy and strong. Not an ideal time to do river tubing. What a pity! As we reached our next destination, Batu Hiu beach, we were greeted by heavy downpour that we had to abort our visit.

The next day, we settled for an offroad trip and were rewarded by the fun experience. We were picked up from Javacove, and unlike other offroad trips, we were allowed to drive the buggy! We drove through the challenging tracks in Bintaos forest nearby. This locally-made vehicle was light, yet powerful. It could go through rough terrain and even crossed water without any difficulty. Designed for offroad drives in the tropical forest, the buggy was able to maneuver 45 degree uphill and downhill track and remained stable. Towards the end of our trip, we took a break at Pasir Gadung hill, which had an areal view of the Indian Ocean. What a beauty! With big smiles on our face, we were back at our accommodation and returned to Jakarta the next morning.

This trip made me realised Indonesia was such a big country, and I didn't have to go far to find beauty of nature. In hindsight, I should have done our homework better and visited Pangandaran during dry season. Pangandaran is a perfect playground for nature lovers as it has many beautiful waterfalls, caves and white-water rivers to be explored.

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30th December 2020

Nice beach to Visit!!!
Nice Beach to visit. I have came to know through agent. - Home based travel agent.
30th December 2020

Offroad trip to Pangandaran
Indeed, we have to visit at the right time of the year

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