Mount Bromo - To Yogyakarta

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November 2nd 2013
Published: November 9th 2013
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A jeep picked us up in the morning and took us on the rocky path to sunrise viewpoint. It was rather cold so a coffee was in order at this time. The place was packed full of tourists. I had a few photo shoots with people from Sulawesi, Indonesia. They obviously saw my white skin and blonde hair coming out of my beanie as if they had never seen a westerner before. But they were all so sweet, mainly young girls telling me I was beautiful.

The clouds in the sky were moving fast and the sun was rising. A lovely sight.

Back in the vehicle, we got driven down into the Plain known as the 'Sea of Sand' where we walked through the desert like plain to climb some steps to see the volcano from above. Mount Bromo is still active and last erupted in January 2011.

If you are feeling you do not want to walk across the sand plain, you can barter with a man and his horse to trot you across. Due to the lads and I being slightly late getting back to the jeep, Benny and I got ourselves horses. This was a fun experience. I hadn't up until now ridden a horse on my travels.

Now for the last part of our trip - the bus journey to Yogyakarta. This was the longest bus journey and with other people in the van this time. Arriving at 22.30, we found a 3 bed room at Dewi Homestay. Perfect.


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