weds day 54

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Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bandung
March 15th 2015
Published: March 15th 2015
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The initial plan for today was going to consist of getting a bus to Pangandaran ( halfway point between here and Yogyakarta) also the spot of a pleasant beach - but a 5hr ride away and then a further 5-6 hrs to Yogyakarta which I just couldn't face. Instead after trying to book a flight online - and the website failing me I popped into a tour agency and with the assistant not speaking a word of English - but with pointing at pictures of planes and flapping of the arms managed to book a flight for 16.30 straight to Yogyakarta! Popping to McDonalds for tea and some breakfast - and to find a hotel ( and having a very nice chat with the staff member and showing her some pictures!) I found a nice hotel which I booked and again headed down to the very helpful man at tourist info. Armed again with a price list i caught a bus to the airport - the buses don't have a set fare - the locals just seem to know how much to pay based on the distance travelled ( not very helpful if you're a visitor!) chatting with a couple on the bus - who insisted on walking me to the airport ( about a 10 minute walk away from where the bus stopped) which was very kind - and they didn't expect any money in return. Half the people here are just very kind and happy to help/chat/take my photo/interview me and not expect anything - and some of the others constantly trying to rip you off! The later being very unfortunate because it kind of makes you wary of everyone initially. Sitting waiting at the airport for a quite often late lion air flight - I heard my name over the tannoy! All the announcements being in Indonesian - I had almost missed my flight! Grabbing my bag and running in the pouring rain towards the waiting plane I was so pleased to have made it! An hrs bumpy flight through a storm and we had made it to Yogyakarta - slightly east of centre of java. Walking straight through the usual hoard of waiting men to rip you off in their taxis and out the other side to get a metered taxi to the hotel. 50,000 rupiah ( £2.50) instead of 80,000 or 150,000 I had made it to the centre and a well reviewed hotel. The staff being very friendly and English speaking and the place being very clean and tidy I was already feeling positive about my stay here. Settling in for the night, I had a free cup of tea and chilled out.


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