Day 6 - Bali Safari and Marine Park

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Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Sanur
June 25th 2023
Published: June 25th 2023
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Relatively early start for our day at The Bali Safari and Marine Park. Got a Grab car for $11.70 and arrived there at 9.15am. Took the Jungle Safari ride which took us through open areas with animals from Indonesia, India and Africa. The whole park is very well designed and you really felt like you were in the jungle at times during the 30 minute Safari drive. After that there were a series of shows.

First show was an Animal Show which was really well done. It started with Indonesian birds flying across the stage and groups of Guinea pigs, rats, cats and dogs scurrying across the stage on cue. Then presentations of other animals.

We then moved to another area where they presented a show featuring tigers. They were able to demonstrate how the tigers swam and climb up trees, very cool.

Next was the Elephant Show where they made a little story with villagers and used this to demonstrate the elephant's abilities. Again, they had an elephant swimming across in front of us with a glass front so you could see underwater. Very entertaining.

We then watched a short acrobatics show before stopping to have lunch, then back to the main theatre to see a hour production called Bali Agung. This was worth the price of admission on its own. Huge stage with a big cast plus live birds, goats and elephants on stage. As we exited we walked through the water playzone which the kids would love and the still incomplete marine park.

Managed to order a Grab car for $11.80 for the trip back to our hotel. Our driver was friendly but funny as well, humming to himself and laughing at the traffic and he was very good at avoiding the heavy traffic by driving down a separate lane which I think is suppose to be for motor bikes or local traffic, then pushing his way back onto the main road. He said we were VIPs.

After a short rest we walked the short distance to Sanur beach and ate practically on the beach at a restaurant called Lilla Pantai. Quality food at a cheap price. I had a tenderloin steak and Daisy had seafood. With soft drinks, the bill came to under $28 with service charge.
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