Seventh day in Bali - Lovina

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Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Lovina
September 8th 2014
Published: September 13th 2014
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<pre style="padding: 5px;">Hello,</pre><pre style="padding: 5px;"> Today wake up at 8:00 to get ready to go to the tour from Ubud to Lovina. </pre><pre style="padding: 5px;">As soon as I was ready we went with the driver, who is part of the family of the homestay I stayed, to pick up my friend who stayed one street after mine. The first stop was Jatiluwih rice terrace, a massif rice terrace all green and incredible ! I took the most pictures as I could. We did a little bit of trekking into the rice terrace but the driver was waiting for us even if its his job so he doesn't care how many time we spend into spot, I have this feeling he is waiting for us.</pre><pre style="padding: 5px;"> The second stop was at the lake Bratan, beautiful once again, we stopped to take picture with wild animals who's been trained to stay with human, like owl, eagles, bat etc.. I took a picture with the owl so cute three of them. It was 2 dollars 50 to take the picture. The third stop was a little warung with Indonesian food, we ate the mix rice with a lot of different specialities. </pre><pre style="padding: 5px;">Then we head off to the waterfall of Gigit. There were two waterfall, one small and one bigger. Unfortunately we didn't know that the second one was 30 minutes walk so we start to walk and then though we were lost so came back to the small one. Still the first one was amazing.</pre><pre style="padding: 5px;"> We finally arrived in Lovina, my friend were going to Permaturan which is one more hour of driving. I arrived in a lovely hotel 2 minutes walk from the beach with a lovely swimming pool. I choose to jump into the swimming pool before ran to the beach for the sunset. The sunset was incredible and the picture are great. By the way I can't show you the pictures yet because I have an I pad tablet and no computer where I can download my photos. I ate on the beach and then went back to the hotel to sleep. </pre><pre style="padding: 5px;"> See you tomorrow.</pre>


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