The Cranes of Khichan

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February 4th 2018
Published: October 14th 2018
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Everyone likes birds. What wild creature is more accessible to our eyes and ears, as close to us and everyone in the world, as universal as a bird?

Sir David Attenborough

Nowhere could this be more true than here at Khichan, near the little town of Phalodi in the hot, dry expanse of Rajasthan's Thar Desert.

This gathering of thousands upon thousands of migratory Demoiselle Cranes, here to avoid freezing temperatures on the steppes of foreign lands far to the north beyond the Himalayan heights, remains a wonder to which I could happily return every year.

The sight of such vast flocks of delicate, maiden-like birds with their plumage in shades of grey and white, bright red-brown eyes and guttural trumpeting 'krilll-krill' call is difficult to express in words. Suffice to say that this was my third visit in as many years to this natural spectacle, my brother David's first.

I could wax lyrical for as many thousands of words as there were birds. In fact, I've done just that in previous years, so I leave you instead to peruse the photos that follow and to read of my past experiences of this unique and wondrous place (2016 'The eighth Wonder of the World perhaps?', 2017 'The face of success').

Accommodation: Kurja Resort (Bird View Point, Railway Station Road, Khichan, Phalodi, Jodhpur Tel:+91 09649417417 email: As communications can sometimes be difficult, it is probably best to reserve through

This small, well-run hotel always lives up to expectations. Around INR3,500 (GBP41 at Feb 2018's exchange rate) per night for a good double room including breakfast. Lunch for two, about INR500 (GBP6). Three-course dinner for two, about INR700 (GBP8).

For my brother David's blogs, go to Grey haired nomads.

The panoramas at the top of this blog make a slideshow. If you missed it, go back to the top now.

There are more photos below and, if you double-click on them or on any of those within the text above, they will be enlarged. If you're using a smartphone, you may have to scroll down a long way to see more photos from this blog.

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Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


15th October 2018

Absolutely fabulous!
Hi Mike, Thank you so much for sharing this marvellous spectacle - and I love the blog by the way KISS: keep it simple sibling! Like you, I would go again and again and again...... David
15th October 2018

To have said more would have been KIS_Stupid!
Okay, so the flocks didn't land on cue as they had done in the past, but those cranes were still as spectacular as always and certainly my greatest birdwatching experience ever. I'm pleased to have shared it with you.
15th October 2018
Flying high, calling loudly

Amazingly beautiful. You always find the most wonderful places to visit.
16th October 2018
Flying high, calling loudly

Wow, indeed! This place is so fantastic that I'll have to go back for a fourth time - soon!

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