Day 17/18: Last day and making the long slog home

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April 22nd 2019
Published: April 27th 2019
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Getting home!

Its finally here. The last day.

We woke up to a gorgeous day and back to the sweltering pre-rain heat. We were all determined to make the most of this final day and set about getting down to breakfast to then finish off last chapters of books, soak up some final sunshine and get some last swims in.

We had games of backgammon - Dad and Lucas followed by Dad and Phoebe. Mum actually went into the pool - a moment of great excitement for everyone! Dad spent ages getting slow mo pictures of Chloe and Lucas doing silly jumps into the pool.

Phoebe was also keen to get a photo with the geese, but ended up getting chased by them instead - which was very funny....

The last day was filled with a mix of sadness but an over-riding sense of excitement as, apart from Dad, everyone was going on their first proper Business class flights - with beds - thanks to the amazing efforts of our Travel Agents who have got us back via Qatar airways. Dad told us that we were flying the A380-1000 which is the most modern passenger plane in the sky.

So, as the day drew to a close, we packed up our bags - the hotel had kindly allowed us to stay in our rooms until we had to leave at 9.30pm. Then we headed out to the beach to get one final sunset and view of the gorgeous coast line.

Once all farewells had been made, Dad paid the bill and we packed our bags one final time into the A-Team bus with Anil and Anoop and started off on the journey to the airport. We ended up getting there quite early but went to the lounge and chilled out for a while until it was time to check in.

The first flight we went on was fairly short and not the new plane. Mum and Dad slept, and the kids all watched films. On arrival in Doha, everyone started to feel a little tired and we went to the Qatar lounge which was HUGE - on exploring it we found the family rooms - the games room - the dining room - showers - quiet room - it pretty much had everything which was perfect.

Finally we got onto our last flight home (7 hours). Dad had managed to book four seats together which could be enclosed and so we effectively had our own room- facing each other. It was absolutely amazing. Phoebe to a whats app call to her friends to show them the layout of the plane and seats and loos. We were all very excited and watched endless films, ate lots of food, got looked after by the excellent air hostesses. What an amazing treat to finish of the holiday with.

An unforgettable holiday!

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