Departure for India

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Asia » Bangladesh » Dhaka
June 23rd 2006
Published: June 23rd 2006
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Today I am leaving for India, we depart for the airport in 1 hour. This is going to be a short post because I have some stuff to do still. Yesterday we went shopping a lot getting things for India - watch, alarm clocks, stuff like that. We looked for neck pouches for our valuables, but couldnt find anything. This morning Swapan went out and got us neck pouches made for us. It probably cost about 2 dollars and everything fits perfectly. Amazing! Anything can be made here and the people are quite ingenious.

The ride back to Dhaka on the 21st was fine until we neared Dhaka City when it got dark. It was a scary end of the trip with cars flying around dark rickshaws and cars in your lane oncoming. Lanes here are more like guidelines, and you frequently need to get out of the way of two cars side by side coming towards you. It didnt help that Zafar was reminding us about every 5 mins that this is the most dangerous road in Bangladesh

At the rest stop one of the waiters who had been speaking good english thoughout said: "Hey white guy - How are you?" 😊

We stopped at the Tropic of Cancer - right on it ( +- 10m ) - as Zafar had brought his GPS with us. That was pretty cool, to stand right on it. Oncoming traffic made us leave pretty quickly though.

I hope to update this blog while in India, so watch this space



24th June 2006

ian to india
Ian, You write so well that I feel that I am on the rickshaw or in the Iqbals' car right with you. So now you are on the way to India. Amaxzing. Mom
26th June 2006

Thanks for sharing this
I've enjoyed it so far after having trouble getting on. Looking forward to India.

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