Georgian Delights and Baku's Zoo

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May 17th 2009
Published: May 20th 2009
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Georgia may not have been participating in the Eurovision Song Contest this year thanks to the possibly political title of their song "We don't want a Put In" (Putin?!) but their music and dance ensemble Erisioni came to Baku instead to give us a taste of Georgian talent. The problem was that the tickets started at 30AZN (US$40) which we thought was a bit expensive. Having given up on the idea of going, Russ received a phone call on Friday afternoon from his Georgian student, Iza, offering us free tickets! Hooray!!!!!

It was amazing. We were treated to all sorts of acrobatic dancing and beautiful women drifting across the stage. They seemed to be floating but they must have been up on their toes underneath their long dresses. The men danced high on their toes which looked very painful, especially when they spun around, flung themselves into the air and landed on their knees. Ouch!

The music was great, even the guy on the bagpipes and the man looking a bit like Ken Dodd who played the flute. The highlight though was a group of 4 young kids playing the drums. They also danced a little and one of them sung. All in all, a fantastic night.

On Sunday we decided to visit Baku's zoo. After the terrible sights at the Dendro Park last week, we were a bit apprehensive. It wasn't as bad as it could be but you have to wonder who would put a brown bear in such a small cage. Some people have no common sense either and decided to feed the animals. They were lucky to escape with their fingers in tact! It wasn't a bad trip out for one manat, but we probably won't repeat the experience!!

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...with a bottle on your head!
Ken Dodd?Ken Dodd?
Ken Dodd?

On the tin whistle too!

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