Lusaka to livingstone

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Africa » Zambia » Lusaka
June 25th 2023
Published: January 21st 2024
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For the best park of ten years I lived and worked in lusaka leaving in 2006 and in 2023 I finally returned this time on holiday.
A first glance lusaka hadn't really changed the urban sprawl had extended in all directions, traffic had increased and a few tower blocks had appeared, but the city itself still the same bustling with everyday life.
48 hours was the time I'd given myself to reacquaint myself with the capital. On the first day I hired a driver and toom a drive around the compounds where most Zambians live, nothing much had changed concrete block buildings with corrugated roofs smelly drainage ditches form the boundaries of streets, vendors selling anything and everything line the roads.
In the evening went to a local mal for drinks the more affluent Zambians are found hanging out at these south african style malls.
Day 2 my first mission to buy bus ticket for livingstone the next day. This is not a straightforward business as the bus station is utter chaos with no order a lawless place where its every man for himself. My driver advised me to pay first class on a coach this way I was guaranteed seat. There were many vendors for livingstone going along the row of vendors I chose the most expensive 30$ for the 6 hour journey leaving at 8am the next day.
After leaving the station we headed out the city to lusaka national park where game rangers International take rescue elephants and when they are ready release them into the wild. There were six elephants at the time of my visit ranging from 3months to 3years old.
2 9f the older ones were due to be released into the kafue national park since returning to the UK I've followed their progress and both are doing well.
A fee hours spent with the rangers learning about the work they do before heading back to the hotel for a relaxing night before the journey ahead in the morning
Early start arrive at tge bus depot an hour early its already in full swing hawkers selling bus boys looking for luggage to carry just so many people.
My driver took me to within 20m of my coach which was already boarding i had my backpack and chose to take it on the bus for safety.
8am on tbe dot we start to move its like the parting of the red sea people moving to each side then we stop and a stram of hawkers sellling watched bananas. Phone chargers and the like pass through the bus.
On the road at last heading south to livingstone, but this bus stops at every settlement picking up parcels passing messages as we go with food and toilet stops at bigger towns such as choma, mazabuka . Zimba on the way.
Travelling by bus you get to take in the sights as you go, but my god its a drag 7 hrs later arriving in livingstone and all i want is a shower and my bed. Still im now in livingstoneand tomorrowthe victoria falls..


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