Kelibia's high fortress

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Africa » Tunisia » The east of Tunisia
January 30th 2010
Published: February 7th 2010
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The journey from Nabeul to Kelibia took us further up Cap Bon through some nice countryside. Once we got to Kelibia we were a little disappointed though. From the guidebook it sounded like a quaint little fishing village with a fortress built high on the hill above. In reality the town centre was quite busy and pretty much like any other town centre in the region.

We walked along the road out towards the port and the fortress. On the way we called in at all of the hotels (3 of them!) hoping to find a decent price for one night. Sadly the prices were non-negotiable and the only cheap hotel was full! Instead we decided to have a brief look around and head off to Hammamet for the night.

The port was not particularly attractive or interesting. We also had a wander around the rather tatty peninsula area where it would have been lovely to go to the "Legoland" restaurant but we had already eaten. Our destination, the fortress, loomed high above us so we found the road past the Scout hut to take us up there.

Paying 5 dinar to go in seemed like a lot of money. There is nothing really in the fortress but at least we were not charged to take the camera in unlike most other places. The views were spectacular though enabling us to see the whole of Kelibia, the bay and all the way up Cap Bon. The climb up gave us a bit of exercise but our Kelibia experience was, on the whole, a bit disappointing.

Leaving was easy. A taxi took us to the louages where we got a ride to Nabeul. From there a half-hourly bus goes to the centre of Hammamet, but that's for the next blog!

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Scouts pledge to keep the countryside clean

8th February 2010

Nice photos
There are some great photos there Russ and I must agree it is disappointing you didn't get to go to the legoland restaurant! As always though, a fascinating read.

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