Cap Bon - Wonderful coastlines and tacky tourists!

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Africa » Tunisia » Hammamet
November 16th 2010
Published: December 1st 2010
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With a few days off work for the Eid festival, we found a good deal online in a 4 star hotel in Yasmine Hammamet. It cost us just £24 per night half board and the food was surprisingly good. Our first night the place was deserted but several busloads of tourists soon filled the place up the next day. The weather was glorious most of the time but still it was only the handful of Brits at the hotel who were lying out by the pool. The water was too cold to consider a dip though.

Yasmine Hammamet is home to Tunisia's "Carthageland" theme park. It's closed at this time of year but we had a bit of a laugh with the huge plastic elephants and camels nearby! There really are some tacky sights around though as the photos prove.

With a hire car for the weekend we ventured all around Cap Bon. We had previously been to the likes of Hammamet, Nabeul and Kelibia, so this time we drove straight past all of them and ended up at El Haouaria at the very end. It was nice but nothing spectacular. The wind farm was huge and unexpected, and the lighthouse must be quite ineffective looking at the shipwreck nearby!

We had a relaxing time but all too soon we had to check out and make our way back to Tunis. On the way we took a diversion to Korbous where hot springs spill out into the Mediterranean Sea. It was a longer diversion than we expected as part of the coastal road has fallen into the sea and we had to drive an extra 30km each way around the damage! We took a walk out to see why the road was closed and it's hard to see it ever opening again!! It was a surprise to see how many people had made the effort to see some hot water pouring into the Med. Still, the coastline was dramatic and the waves crashing upon the rocks were certainly picturesque.

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Lighthouse and shipwreckLighthouse and shipwreck
Lighthouse and shipwreck

Does it suggest the lighthouse didn't quite do its job?!!

18th December 2010
Dramatic Seas

This kind of seas seem that they are dancing . I wish I could go there and see them dancing.

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