Game Haven Lodge - Heaven on Earth!

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February 1st 2019
Published: February 12th 2019
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Game Have Lodge was absolute proof that every cloud has a silver lining. Thanks to the boss, Greg, everything was sorted out with the car and he alleviated our stress by giving us a free upgrade from a really nice room to a luxury cottage. That ensured we managed to relax pretty quickly. The accommodation is stunning and without a doubt the most comfortable we have had anywhere in Malawi. Even the standard room would have left us feeling the same. We ended up staying for three nights as there was uncertainty about when the car would be fixed. As it was, everything was done on our second day so we were able to relax even more!

When you stay at the lodge, all of the activities are included. Day visitors can pay to do them. We didn't partake in everything on offer as we were too busy relaxing! Our relaxation included dining out in style each evening in the lodge's wonderful restaurant. Prior to dinner though, we sat on the terrace with a Malawi gin and tonic (MGT) as we watched the sun set and the animals wander by. Wilderbeest, zebras and nyalas (a huge antelope) came so close to where we were sitting. Even Russ was a fan of MGT and he doesn't normally touch the stuff.

As for the activities we did do, it's hard to pick a highlight. We walked down to the lake where we swam under the watchful gaze of the giraffes and zebras. Along the way we saw most of the lodge's wildlife, keeping ourselves at a sensible distance. With no predators on site, it is perfectly safe. We also got up at 5am to do a bird watching walk with our superb guide, Steven. There was so much on display that Trish didn't even write a list! Seeing the mating dance of the pin-tailed whydaw was such a special moment. The walk returned alongside the golf course where we saw lots of zebras at play. Russ says he didn't play as he would have left more divots than their hooves and the bill for lost balls wold have been astronomical!!

We didn't do the mountain bike safari or the game drive as we had enjoyed walking around the park enough already. It was just such an amazing place to spend a few days, and you don't need to begin with a car crash to feel the benefits of this much relaxation. It was a wrench to leave, but leave we had to as we still had a couple of weeks of travelling ahead of us. We nearly got a fantastic bonus too. The receptionist had misunderstood the "free upgrade" and given us "free accommodation". We just couldn't accept that level of generosity though!!!

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Game Haven Lodge, Thyolo, Blantyre, MalawiGame Haven Lodge, Thyolo, Blantyre, Malawi
Game Haven Lodge, Thyolo, Blantyre, Malawi

The mating dance of the pin-tailed whydaw.
Game Haven Lodge, Thyolo, Blantyre, MalawiGame Haven Lodge, Thyolo, Blantyre, Malawi
Game Haven Lodge, Thyolo, Blantyre, Malawi

A fight right outside our cottage!

12th February 2019
Game Haven Lodge, Thyolo, Blantyre, Malawi

Looks perfect
Living the dream!
12th February 2019
Game Haven Lodge, Thyolo, Blantyre, Malawi

Love the zebras.

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